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Can't run combined ops!

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Hi there, in order to play DayZ, I need to be able to run combined ops.

I have bought the bundle, ran ArmaII first, played a few missions then closed the game. Started up OA, played the first mission and closed too.

Now, I should be able to run Combined Ops, but it flashes a CMD screen and just won't start. ( Same happens when I run the beta.cmd thing )

Six Launcher is no option, as it gets stuck on "Verifying Beta files"

Is there any way I can play DayZ?

EDIT: Yes, I am running steam as admin.

Edited by relen

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right click OA in your steam library and click "run arma 2 combined operations"

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right click OA in your steam library and click "run arma 2 combined operations"

That's what I'm doing, lol.

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try removing all DayZ files in your OA folder, then delete six launcher, and redownload sixlauncher newest version, and let it install dayz, then try and run from six launcher again, else you might try and verify game files for your arma 2 and OA under properties or something in steam.

if nothing works, best option i think is to complete remove everything with arma /dayz in its name on your pc and reinstall arma 2 and OA again.

Edited by Tatakt

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try removing all DayZ files in your OA folder, then delete six launcher, and redownload sixlauncher newest version, and let it install dayz, then try and run from six launcher again, else you might try and verify game files for your arma 2 and OA under properties or something in steam.

Removed all DayZ files earlier. Installed six launcher maybe 5 times today. Won't let me install DayZ, and for "verifying game files", I have no clue on how to do that.

EDIT: Also removed everything with arma etc today. Nothing working.

Edited by relen

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seems like a major problem then.. cant help you out... search around the forums there may be a solutions :/ sorry

to verify integrity of game cache, right click ur OA in steam library, then click properties>local files >verify integrity of game cache. try do that to both OA and arma 2 or something, may help.. but dont know

Edited by Tatakt

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Six Launcher is no option, as it gets stuck on "Verifying Beta files"

Nope it doesn't, it just stays on verifying beta files a REALLY long time so it seems to be stuck

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Nope it doesn't, it just stays on verifying beta files a REALLY long time so it seems to be stuck

For how long? It's been there for like 10 minutes for me.

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