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[DayZ] What's your reaction on strangers?

[DayZ] How do you react if you see strangers?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you react if you see strangers? (Multiple choices availabe)

    • Always friendly.
    • Almost always friendly.
    • Rarely friendly.
    • Never friendly.
    • Ignore and walk away.
    • I shoot only if he shoots me.
    • I shoot only if he got better loot than me.
    • I'm a jerk, I shoot everyone for no reason.
    • Depends on situation.

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Figured out the safest way is to just be a jerk and shoot anyone who even slightly has their gun pointed at you. Increased my survival chances a lot.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 8:35 PM, Delta-Dude said:
  • - Let's see how fast this game turns from Zombie Apocalypse Survival into Massive PvP Shooter.

  • Was it that necessary to remove awesome [Bandit / Survivor] system, instead of simply modifying it to fit the standarts of realism more?

Leave your comments below please.

Today, I ran up to 2 survivors that only had hatchets and tried to talk to them. They paniced and logged out :(

I was willing to help them, I talked to them on the VOIP as I approached. I actually, sincerely wanted to help.

Before that, I had ran past an apartment house at the Cherno hospital, and as I did I saw a guy sitting in the stairs, I ran around the corner because I thought he was gonna shoot me. But he was scared of me as well I think. I tried talking to him on VOIP but he didn't respond, so I left.

An hour later I shot a guy that was 150 meters from me. I thought he was holding an Enfield and pointing it at me.

I honestly think that very few players even know there's a talk button in the game...

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  On 7/19/2012 at 9:25 PM, Delta-Dude said:

There's a clan called {CQF} almost 100 members and strong subordination. Don't really get what's the point of collecting all the vehicles by clan to use them only for video and streams, making group screenshots around.. like a fucking totem.. or comming to Airfield in group of 25 people.. like half of the server are friendlies.. that might be fun for a while.. but.. that's all in all stupid, no adrenaline, cause you always have ur ass covered from anything. Also subbordination.. well I can't judge - someone just likes to play a marine or soldier, for me the game should remain game, not a job =p

So yeh, we've seen them few times, so 2 of us were able to shoot 16 of them, like 5 of them disconnected, flanked us on the other server, re-logged and killed right after.

That's golden.

They thought they were safe and had zero coordination because they were complacent, never expected to be attacked. You sir, and your friend, are winners. Did you get any phat lewt?

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  On 7/19/2012 at 10:06 PM, Creambomb said:

That's golden.

They thought they were safe and had zero coordination because they were complacent, never expected to be attacked. You sir, and your friend, are winners. Did you get any phat lewt?

well we were killed in the end, by those of them who DCed when we opened fire and they flanked us on the other server, to log in back and shoot in our back.

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If it came to it I'd rather trust somebody and risk death than to kill them and ruin their fun.

Why? Because I treasure the health of the community more than my gear :)

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Sigh.. I think I gonna leave this game until game is clear from cheaters, bug abusers, old-patch players (immortal-respawning) and got back it's spirit of horror zombie survival, rather then Massive PvP..

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I just had a "problem" where i logged back in and instead of being where i left (Zelenogorsk), I was in the water at Prigorodky. Lost my backpack, both of my weapons and everything on my toolbelt (map, matches, hatchet, compass). Trying to recover, I found a winchester and some ammo, so I went to Cherno to see if I could find a backpack there and get some new gear.

Saw a guy passing by with a hatchet (he didn't saw me) running from zeds and getting into a small building, I got in from the back and shoot the zombie, I talked to the guy and he didn't reply, instead he tried to hit me with the hatchet, so I shot him. Using the mouse scroll wheel I see an option "check pulse" (haven't seen that before) so I check it and it said "pulse is strong", i was like mmm should i shot him in the head... but instead I waited, i didn't even checked his gear (he was a fresh spawned). The guy wakes up and try to hit me again while I am pointing my winchester to his head, so I shot him dead and took his coyote patrol backpack. Lucky me i turn around and found a czech backpack. Now I only need some matches to get back in the wild :)

I am sorry for the guy, but he shouldn't try to hit someone with a hatchet when they are pointing a gun at them lol.

Edited by sebastian.w

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If I am alone, I tend to avoid other players. When in a squad, I will typically shoot (unless unarmed, or posing no possible threat). As I gain an enormous stash of weapons, however, other players seem to be the only way to improve myself (aiming/tactics wise), and am beginning to seek them out.

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I would be friendly but have had some bad experiences with players, i have been back stabbed to many times so now i just player hunt with my clan mates, then again, if someone needs help i sometimes have the forgiveness to give them a hand.

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Polls are supposed to be unbiased, that way the results show a true reflection of the people who answer it.

"I'm a jerk, I shoot everyone for no reason." :rolleyes:

Not bothered to vote, pointless if you have already made up your mind.

Edited by thisisbleep

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  On 7/19/2012 at 8:39 PM, Snafu18 said:

if he shoots every zombie on sight then I shoot him from a distance so he won't be an enemy to me in the future.

Next time you're engine makes a weird noise, you should sell your car in case the brakes fail at some point in the future.

Makes about as much sense rofl.

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You need an option where you can just be the Grizzly Adams mountain hermit dude.

Thats me at the moment, I avoid all contact and the only person I shot was following me after I made it clear I was not friendly and didnt want to team.

I have had too many encounters with people just wanting to kill me, its safer to just not interact.

The worst for me was spending a minute or so chatting via direct and being able to search each others pack and then getting shot in the face, kind of changed my outlook in game.

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most of the time i run, have had that many ppl say "friendly" only to shoot me in the back of the head that i just run now

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What kind of a poll is that? You forgot quite a few other commonly seen scenarios...

Like watching the player to decide if friendly, etc...

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Well, I had a guy hiding in a barn hatchet me to death when I had nothing.

Had a twat crossbow me breaking a bone, then leave. Never found out what his problem was, I just walked into the room, and looked at him, he didnt care until I looked over.

But, I've had another player (who I never ended up finding/seeing) sniping zombies for me as I was fleeing a horde and fighting said horde. he stopped shooting when the last zombie fell. Running away from a hospital and town.

Had another guy hidden shoot a zombie that was chasing me through a field, stopped firing when it fell, dunno who did that one either.

Stumbled across a guy in a ghillie suit with a rifle in the woods on a mountain, we just kind of looked at each other, he laid back down, and I went off.

EDIT: moral of the story is, I take it in stride, I don't act hostile, and If I have a weapon (or not) I face off direction of them, so they can see I'm not aiming at them, and know I'm friendly (I always forget to voice, or I'm playing when people are sleeping.)

Edited by superhobo666

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How do I tell someone I am friendly - or would love to be, if they shoot me from behind - bush, without me knowing about them? Just ran yesterday around, thinking I am alone, biggest mistake, I can tell ya... just started shooting Zeds that were in way, which probably brought attention of this guy, who just oneshotted me...

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always shoot at unknown armed player who has spotted me , ususal shoot at unknown armed if unspoted - coz he can shoot me later if i dont. not going on south for "fun killing" - silly.

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I usually try to be friendly, by telling people with mic, but 99% of them are just killing me on sight or waiting till I turn my back to them. I started be more cautious, shooting people only when I see if they have a weapon or look strange.

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I shoot only if the other guy is a threat. For example: I hear gun shots and then a player killed comes up at the bottom left of the screen, I'm immediately very wary of anyone. The other day this happened and I shot a guy in a store in elektro. He was unarmed and had nothing on him. I had got the wrong guy. Unlike most bandits I did feel slightly guilty as the real gunman came in with a mp5 and I immediately took cover and fire off my lee enfield at him. I got him surprisingly but then was taken out by a sniper. The moral of the story is that shooting wildly eventually got me killed. Also I felt extremely guilty afterwards. Rocket is working on some bandit/survivor stuff now so cross fingers.

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Depends on situation TBH, I have had my fair few run-ins with players with good and bad outcomes.

My favourite and one of my first was at the small airfield near bolota, I had just looted the tower and found a hatchet and *mackral* gun (no ammo), then suddenly! footsteps! [thank the technology god for 5.1 headphones]

I see a player running up the stairs wielding a hatchet...now we have a god damn stand off, I ask through chat saying I'm friendly but I know his checking out my Czech pack, I slowly back off...

Suddenly he charges without saying a word and now we gone all medieval on each others asses! luckily I have been practising a lot with hatchet kills on zombies and know there distance of swing, so after a few clumsy strikes from him and some quick finger action on my W & S key, I get the killer blow! and my heart is pounding at this point and I just start laughing! :thumbsup:

It's things like this that make the game so epic! and I love it!

My most recent death after 13 days alive was just outside Cherno in the woods as I was running to meet my brother I got sniperd in the back :o felt pretty hard done by, but that's life in DayZ!

Now back 3 days in, got my trusty old AK47 back and ready to charge back into cherno/elektro :D

Pretty much what I am trying to say is, I will prob shoot you in the buildings, but in open unless a big open field ill probably ignore unless you suddenly stop and aim at me :D


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7 days alive and only 1 bandit kill and 1 murder i just watch other players if they shoot first i will kill

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Im a bandit that does not really kill. I more hold people up for their stuff and shoot them in the leg so they don't chase me.

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I kill people on sight or if they are far enough away/haven't seen me I avoid them completely. I have been killed way too many times now by people I have tried to help out or befriend that it is almost a pointless playstyle as you will die very quickly.

I either play lone wolf and don't kill others or I am a complete cunt and kill anyone that walks by me.

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