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S1ippery Jim

Scoreboard/Points System/Hrs Survived

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Seeing how the only goal of this game I would like to see a screen at death which shows exactly how long you survived, distance travelled etc and perhaps a point system based on points for zombie kills, and perhaps points deducted for murders

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I disagree with the points system you suggest, but a review of the main stats would be nice.

Particularly Hrs survived.

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I would have no problem with a points system, though I would personally end up ignoring it. Points are wholly subjective and I'm sure I'll disagree with whatever point values they assign to each feat.

Additional stats, however, I completely support. I would be happy just to see how long I have survived, since I consider that my sole measure of success.

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Yeah a points system is probably to arcade style for this game but survival time would be nice. I noticed that there is a leaderboard coming soon to this site so maybe Rocket has something in mind along these lines

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Well a leaderboard used to be up before the website changes.

It showed leaders for Hrs survived, Zombies killed, Players killed, distance travelled etc. Except finding yourself was difficult. Very difficult.

Something like this showing up upon death, or even as a command in game could be a neat thing to include.

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A stats page that displays when you die would be perfect.

However: It needs to be totally personal. The moment we throw leaderboards back into the equation, we teach players certain goals to the game that they will ingrain into their minds. Camping out in Rog to get the highest survival time anyone? How about server-teleporting to keep most days survived?

Goals and achievements should be a personal matter, not a public display of "honor" for the top 3, and humiliation for the others.

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