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City & house

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After playing one month on DayZ with friends, I think this game is a kind of video games revolution, thats why I guess that some new idea would be welcome.

There should be a neutral city, guarded by several AI that will open fire on anyone that shoot inside or 15 meters outside. Bandits will be Kill On Sight if they enter.

Creating such kind of city would be great because peoples could create their market/trade center, or recruiting peoples for having an ever best experiance than before.

Then peoples should have the possibility to create little building like a wooden tower, a door that ONLY the owner can open ( more like a fence/door ). Huge tent that will weight 16 inventory weight ( Balota millitary camp big tent skin ). Also, creating a hammer & nails items to weld wooden planks on windows, making it unbreakable and reducing the "visual" from zombies. Same things on the door to make it shut from outside. Finaly, a steel chest with a password, or only openable by the owner. All those improvement could prevent the whole destruction of a well organised groups from other, easily. Peoples that really want a camp will have to carry and bring a lot of materials to build their own camp and it won't be easily destroyable ( mostly destroyable by satchels ). The materials to construct everything should be VERY difficult to find, and each things need to weight a lot to make it harder. Pushing people to stick together and making a kind of protected camp will reduce the chance of playing 'Cat & Mice' with others.

Here we go, I hope those ideas will push this community and this game far away, and people will like it.

See you on the game. Bye.

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i like the idea about a santuary for non bandits, but the part about building ur own towers and stuff, i think is hard to make real. but i dont know, sounds cool though.

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Fucking great idea, and about the buildings. It should works like the tents etc. I totaly agree with everything you said buddy ;).

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thank you, this is an idea that will make the game much more intense,just deepen

Edited by holov

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I will always say no to AI survivors. Pulling up a sort of camp I can agree with but nothing as extensive as you proposed.

Heck you can even already do what you suggested, pu up some wirefencing around some tents in some secluded area and make it this 'save haven' you seek. Really no need for AI Survivors, the only AI this game needs is for Zombies and Animals.

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