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My Squad *Very Long, Constructive Tips Appreciated*

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My Squad:

Point Man:

Camouflage Clothing (Ghillie Suit Tempting for Snipers)


Remington 870 (Flashlight Helpful, Overall Best Support)

M9SD (Best Suppressed Secondary, Cheap Mags, Leaves Backpack Room)

Main Inventory-

Assault Pack (No Larger, Tempting for Snipers)

NV Goggles (Critical, Sniper-Scout-Point-Rifleman-Grenadier)

Binoculars (Critical, Point-Scout-Rifleman-Grenadier)

4 Slug Shotgun Clips

1 Smoke Grenade, Green (Target Identification)

1 Smoke Grenade, Red (Distress, Team Location)

2 Canteen

4 Food Items

Secondary Inventory-

6 M9 SD Clips

2 Bandages

Tool Belt-

Hatchet, Matches, Hunting Knife (Critical)

Map, Watch, Compass, GPS (Critical)

Entrenching Tool (Critical)

Toolbox (Critical)

Backpack Items-

2 Bloodbags

2 Painkillers

4 Morphine

2 Antibiotics

2 Slug Shotgun Clips

Combat Support (Rifleman):

Camouflage Clothing (Ghillie Suit Tempting for Snipers)


M4A3 CCO / AKS-74 Kobra (Use Kobra if the Scout uses M4A1 SD)

G17 (Main Zombie-Fighting Weapon, Built in Flashlight)

M9 SD (Best Suppressed Secondary, Cheap Mags)

Main Inventory-

Assault Pack (No Larger, Tempting for Snipers)

NV Goggles (Critical, Sniper-Scout-Point-Rifleman-Grenadier)

Binoculars (Critical, Point-Scout-Rifleman-Grenadier)

4 STANAG 30 Round Clips

1 Smoke Grenade, Green (Target Identification)

1 Smoke Grenade, Red (Distress, Team Location)

2 Canteens

4 Food Items

Secondary Inventory-

4 G17 Mags

2 M9 SD Mags

2 Bandages

Tool Belt-

Hatchet, Matches, Hunting Knife (Critical)

Map, Watch, Compass (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Entrenching Tool (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Toolbox (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Backpack Items-

1 Morphine

2 M9 SD Mags

Tent (2 Slots)


Jerry Can (2 Slots)

Combat Support (Scout):

Camouflage Clothing (Ghillie Suit Tempting for Snipers)


MP5 SD / M4A1 SD (Use M4A1 SD if Rifleman uses Kobra)

G17 (Main Zombie-Fighting Weapon, Built-in Flashlight)

Main Inventory-

Assault Pack (No Larger, Tempting for Snipers)

NV Goggles (Critical, Sniper-Scout-Point-Rifleman-Grenadier)

Binoculars (Critical, Point-Scout-Rifleman-Grenadier)

4 MP5 SD 30 Round Clips

2 Smoke Grenade, Green (Target Identification)

2 Smoke Grenade, Red (Distress, Team Location)

2 Smoke Grenade, White (Diversion)

1 Canteens

1 Food Item

Secondary Inventory-

6 G17 Mags

2 Bandages

Tool Belt-

Hatchet, Matches, Hunting Knife (Critical)

Map, Watch, Compass (Critical)

Entrenching Tool (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Toolbox (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Backpack Items-

2 Bloodbags

1 Painkillers

1 Morphine

2 MP5 SD Mags

4 G17 Mags

Combat Support (Grenadier):

Camouflage Clothing (Ghillie Suit Tempting for Snipers)


M16A2 M203 / M4A1 HWS M203 (Rifle or Carbine, Preference)

Main Inventory-

Assault Pack (No Larger, Tempting for Snipers)

NV Goggles (Critical, Sniper-Scout-Point-Rifleman-Grenadier)

Binoculars (Critical, Point-Scout-Rifleman-Grenadier)

9 STANAG 30 Round Clips

1 Canteen

2 Food Items

Secondary Inventory-

2 M203 Flare, Red

2 M203 HE Grenade

2 M203 Smoke, Green

2 M203 Smoke, Red

Tool Belt-

Hatchet, Matches, Hunting Knife (Critical)

Map, Watch, Compass, GPS (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Entrenching Tool (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Toolbox (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Military Flashlight / Flashlight (Critical)

Backpack Items-

1 Bloodbag

1 Painkillers

1 Morphine

1 Antibiotics

4 M203 HE Grenade

2 M203 Flare, Red

1 M203 Smoke, Green

1 M203 Smoke, Red

Combat Support (Marksman):

Ghillie Suit (Screw Snipers)


SVD / M24 Low Priority Missions - BAF AS50 Critical Missions


Main Inventory-

Coyote Backpack (Invisible Due to Ghillie Cloaking Fields)

NV Goggles (Critical, Sniper-Scout-Point-Rifleman-Grenadier)

Rangefinder (Critical)

8 Sniper Clips

1 Canteen

1 Food Item

1 Smoke Grenade, Red (Distress, Team Location)

1 Smoke Grenade, Green (Target Designation)

Secondary Inventory-

6 G17 Mags

2 Bandages

Tool Belt-

Hatchet, Matches, Hunting Knife (Critical)

Map, Watch, Compass, GPS (Critical)

Entrenching Tool (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Toolbox (Bonus, Not Necessary)

Backpack Items-

1 Bloodbag

1 Painkillers

1 Morphine

1 Antibiotics

Mechanical Parts for Vehicles (16 Slots)

2 Jerry Cans (4 Slots)


I swear to God. Allah, and the mighty Spaghetti Monster Above, if you speak the words TL;DR, I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR THROAT OUT. It's not cute. If you didn't read it all, just leave. If you only want to help with a certain bit, thank you.

We have all of this, and this is our general loadout for combat. (We have the blue military truck up and running almost.)

We are in need of a sniper, if you are good, send us a screen of HOW good. If you are good, we will add you, but you're going to be partially a mule. Sorry, but thems the cakes.

Also, be givin' me some insight on what I could change.

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First non open post!

on my cell ATM go see my posy in survivor hq see if you want to do something like that.

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I equip everyone wtih M249 SAWs, even the snipers. Those who haven't earned their stripes are given Crowbars

Our tactics are often to not stop shooting until we die of starvation

None of us carry backpacks, and no supplies in them. We use mules, who are people who have surrendered to the mighty tsunami of lead, to carry all our supplies. If they run, we re-commence shooting and on the occasion we stop.

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I'm kindof starting to break from the whole rob everybody trend. I'm now partnering with another bandit group (We are Zwei Kampfgruppe, Panzerbataillon). We're doing patrol of major sectors on our home server in the Ural Military (I think that's what it's called).

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I'll read up more when I'm back to my desk. I thought you weren't able to play still or I'd tell you I'm down. I can snipe but sadly no screens bud. If you need a shock trooper/diversionary man who does creative crud let me know.

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I equip everyone wtih M249 SAWs, even the snipers. Those who haven't earned their stripes are given Crowbars

Our tactics are often to not stop shooting until we die of starvation

None of us carry backpacks, and no supplies in them. We use mules, who are people who have surrendered to the mighty tsunami of lead, to carry all our supplies. If they run, we re-commence shooting and on the occasion we stop.

I'd like to fight you then. Haha, that tactic will only get you so far. I'd just send in my Schützen to drop half of your armed men unseen, then call for the Granate Truppen Zwei to drop a few green smoke grenades and HE shells your way, then use that to organize the Pandergrenadiers and Sturmtruppen for shock hit-and-run tactics. Once they've fallen back, and you start to regroup, we call for more green smoke and send in the Bundwswehr to completely overrun you.

Don't screw with strategy.

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I'll read up more when I'm back to my desk. I thought you weren't able to play still or I'd tell you I'm down. I can snipe but sadly no screens bud. If you need a shock trooper/diversionary man who does creative crud let me know.

And yes, that's the problem. I'm now a desk jockey; I WAS the sniper :P. Now I focus on logistics and planning.

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If snipers see Ghillie, they're more likely to pop. Plus, the matching backpacks and suits look awesome, and limit how much we can carry.

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