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Mattolio (DayZ)

A few Day Z ideas

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Not sure these have been mentioned elsewhere but a few simple ideas:

* Able to wear the chest pack with any other backpack to boost carrying capacity

* When you drink a can of soda, the empty can should remina in you inv for throwing to confuse z's

* Weapons with night vis / heat vis should also have a vanilla scope on them

* The ingrediants and means to make pipe bombs, mines etc.

* Let people build fishing rods and fish in ponds / lakes

* Wild animals which attack you - like bears, cougars etc.

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Good stuff and also:

Dead bodies that can have very high loot value but can also be a zombie that grabs you. These dead bodies can either be spawned or are survivors that have been killed by zombies and they can pretend to stay dead or get up after a couple of minutes after dying.

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sounds... nice little features I guess, but honestly, those are far far away in future

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sounds... nice little features I guess, but honestly, those are far far away in future

But honestly, not sure why people even bother to mention that features are FAR FAR way in the future when that's pretty obvious already and we don't KNOW what will be added in as it's being developed.

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But honestly, not sure why people even bother to mention that features are FAR FAR way in the future when that's pretty obvious already and we don't KNOW what will be added in as it's being developed.

Not sure why people raise their suggestions, if it is so obvious that they are so FAR FAR FAR away in the future, and probably knowing that chances of their suggestion ending up in game is so slim, maybe even realizing that thousands of other people have come up with same idea, especially dev team that is probably daily thinking how to make dayZ better.

so, what´s the point of all this?

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so, what´s the point of all this?

What the heck do you think SUGGESTIONS are for?

Honestly, come on people!

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those are far far away in future

That kind of attitude won't progress us at all! Let's keep positive :)

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What the heck do you think SUGGESTIONS are for?

Honestly, come on people!

whats your problem? you went all like ´no shit sherlock´ on me when I discussed about this!

*gives up*

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* Able to wear the chest pack with any other backpack to boost carrying capacity---- Maybe but it could only have like 4-8 slots in it.

* When you drink a can of soda, the empty can should remain in you inv for throwing to confuse z's----- sounds ok i am neutral about it.

* Weapons with night vis / heat vis should also have a vanilla scope on them-------- completely agree.

* The ingrediants and means to make pipe bombs, mines etc.-------- ummm i would rather just find them.

* Let people build fishing rods and fish in ponds / lakes---------- I am neutral on this it seams like it would be hard to code tho and there would have to be limited amount of times you can use the fishing rod.

* Wild animals which attack you - like bears, cougars etc. ------- Yes that should be in the game.

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