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Werty (DayZ)

Looking for 1 or 2 people to play with

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My name is Werty, and ingame I go by [b12]Werty (not a clan, to show other people from where I learned about dayz, the bay 12 games forums, that I came from there and am friendly.) I recently ended a long lone wolf life by getting sniped while hitting up a deer stand near green mountain, and now am looking for a partner or two to survive with. I can get about 2-4 hours a day, and I don't play very cautiously. My preferred setup is a M1911 (for killing zombies), an assault rifle as my primary( L85 AWS is so far my favorite, thanks to the thermal scope) and something long range in the pack. I'm looking for somebody who has a sense of humor and does not take the game too seriously, and is from the US, so we have similar timezones. (I live on the east coast.) I am 17 years old, so I kinda want to find someone similar.. I am also pretty experienced in this game and have 3 months of play. If you are interested, post in this topic or flash me a PM, and I will reply.


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Hey man i am also looking for someone to play with. I am 16 and i have a mic. Steam name is MistaSkill message me whenever.

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