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Don't Stream snipe!

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If you stream DayZ, and your stream is somewhat popular, expect to get stream sniped. Meta gaming is allowed, stream sniping is part of that. If I can invade your TS/Vent/whatever, find out your location and all that jazz, why can't I stream snipe? If all that other stuff is allowed, why not stream sniping?

I'm not saying I do any of this, but as far as whether it's allowed or not, I'm fairly certain that it's perfectly acceptable behavior, at least for DayZ. It may be a bigger deal on other games, but considering Rocket himself has said meta gaming is allowed, until I hear something from a dev saying "Stream sniping is bad blahblah" I wouldn't get all upset about it, or try to stop others from doing it.

Glad we got this covered for the...fourth time? I'm losing track. I haven't seen a stream helper (opposite of stream sniper).

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You could of said that.

Maybe bold or underline it.

he didnt need to, it was actually easy to see, you gotta use your head, and why do you try so hard to find everything you can on him to confuse and TRY to act like you are the smart one here, jeez dude, you werent popular in school right? still a virgin? naah i dont really care, but you need to grow up and take your personal issues and wrecked personality somewhere else, maybe on some troll forum like 4chan.

And lay off the flouride, its not healthy.

Not everyone in the world NEEDS to have everything written down to them point by point to lead them, some think for themselfs, then they come into society, and they need to change that, yeah, nice one -.-

Edited by Zyfer
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Glad we got this covered for the...fourth time? I'm losing track. I haven't seen a stream helper (opposite of stream sniper).

The reason you probably don't see this is because when you live stream your gaming it is akin to saying "Hey look at how good I am at this game". Because.... well why would you want to watch someone play who sucks? So if you are implicitly saying you are so good at a game that I should watch you, then why should I try to help you? Why would you need my help?

Obviously I understand that everyone who live streams is not in fact trying to say that they are great at the game, but that is an unavoidable undertone that is perfectly natural to take from it.

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Glad we got this covered for the...fourth time? I'm losing track. I haven't seen a stream helper (opposite of stream sniper).

Curious. Have you ever stream helped?

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Curious. Have you ever stream helped?

No because I don't play the game to stalk a player who streams. BUT I'm sure some people do that.

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The reason you probably don't see this is because when you live stream your gaming it is akin to saying "Hey look at how good I am at this game". Because.... well why would you want to watch someone play who sucks? So if you are implicitly saying you are so good at a game that I should watch you, then why should I try to help you? Why would you need my help?

Obviously I understand that everyone who live streams is not in fact trying to say that they are great at the game, but that is an unavoidable undertone that is perfectly natural to take from it.

I don't stream, I don't avidly follow streamers, and I try and think of the flip side. I brought up this post for the small thought of (WHAT IF) a player helped a streamer instead of killing him (while watching his stream). I'm sure it's happened before but I've never seen it is all.

Also I believe no matter how good you are at anything you got help to get where you are now (which is hopefully really good).

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he didnt need to, it was actually easy to see, you gotta use your head, and why do you try so hard to find everything you can on him to confuse and TRY to act like you are the smart one here, jeez dude, you werent popular in school right? still a virgin? naah i dont really care, but you need to grow up and take your personal issues and wrecked personality somewhere else, maybe on some troll forum like 4chan.

And lay off the flouride, its not healthy.

Not everyone in the world NEEDS to have everything written down to them point by point to lead them, some think for themselfs, then they come into society, and they need to change that, yeah, nice one -.-

Your words are like a tall glass of water!

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Your words are like a tall glass of water!


Thought it was hostile, but was proven wrong luckily

Edited by Zyfer

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and that means? and if you were being hostile towards me you should say sorry, as i was trying to defend you.

I think he means a tall glass of water is refreshing. A tall glass of water will then cause you to urinate, releasing your body of unwanted toxins. So I believe he is saying your post was a cleansing, refreshing, glass of goodness. It's actually a very nice compliment, I think i'll use it.

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I think he means a tall glass of water is refreshing. A tall glass of water will then cause you to urinate, releasing your body of unwanted toxins. So I believe he is saying your post was a cleansing, refreshing, glass of goodness. It's actually a very nice compliment, I think i'll use it.

i thought about that at first, but this forum is filled with sarcastic trolls so that thought took over, and i could understand if this OP had just gone on a hostile spree since he gets bad comments on something that is true, and he just came up with a suggestion that would also be like a tall glass of water hehe.

So thanks for confirming my thought :) and as i said, i didnt quite know what he meant :)

and yes ill start using that aswell haha

Edited by Zyfer
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i thought about that at first, but this forum is filled with sarcastic trolls so that thought took over, and i could understand if this OP had just gone on a hostile spree since he gets bad comments on something that is true, and he just came up with a suggestion that would also be like a tall glass of water hehe.

So thanks for confirming my thought :) and as i said, i didnt quite know what he meant :)

and yes ill start using that aswell haha

Yeah I was going for refreshing lol! I knew I should have been more direct instead of using metaphors.

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How about instead of stream snipping...you stream helping? Don't shoot at the guy, go and give him a blood transfusion that way instead of being a little B**** you're being a hero for all the viewers to see! Just and idea :P

I have never stream sniped, but I am sure it is perfectly fine. Rocket even said its fine to get on someones vent or teamspeak to find and kill them. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Edited by ExileBroc

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stream sniping to prove the streamer suks is like shooting Mike Tyson in the face with a shotgun and saying hes a bad boxer....

its just not fair!

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For anyone who uses xsplit (and im sure there are other ways to do it) you can set a delay on your stream so that it isn't broadcast until X:XX time after it actually happens. I think people could still find you even if you had it set to 30min or even an hour, but it would definately make it MUCH harder. Sorry if that was run-on.

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Yeah I was going for refreshing lol! I knew I should have been more direct instead of using metaphors.

noooo its alright mate, keep doing that, using metaphors is nice and its a new way of saying things in a nice way, personally i like the tall glass of water, i was just a bit dumb not being sure that what i thought was right lol, thanks anyway man :) keep on doing what your doing :)

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-Broadcast your position to global audience.

-Complain when they use it to find you.

People do help the streamers, seems like every other day hackers are spawning equipment for streamers to use (and most of the time they take it)

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wait, let me get this straight.... you want all players to give someone streaming protection from pvp, simply because they are streaming?

If i come across someone who i am about to kill should i check the internet to make sure this person isnt streaming at the moment? Is there a way to tell?

While you are at it, could you ask everyone to not checkingtoseeiftargetisstreaming-snipe?


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That is some epic win! See isn't that funnier and all around better then stream sniping? We should all Stream comedian!

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When I play poker, I like to lay my hand face up on the table and then get upset at people when they call my bluffs.

I see what you're saying Zed, and I agree... but you can't deny people that watch streams just to go and find the streamer in game to kill him is a bitch thing to do. It's like playing split screen with someone, and they're constantly looking at your side of the screen. Can't stop someone from doing it, but damn is it annoying lol. I used to have people over when Halo 2 first came out for Xbox, and we'd drink some beers and play since we had about 3 tvs setup in the game room and they'd bring over their consoles. There was this one guy who I would always catch looking at other peoples screens. I'd take his beer everytime I caught him :D

Though anyone streaming this game now-a-days has overlays setup that block their IGN from displaying on screen, and if they die they cut the stream when the You Are Dead screen appears so you can't see the server name.

Edited by KField86

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I miss the days when this game and its forums were not filled with whack tards rambling useless trash

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I miss the days when this game and its forums were not filled with whack tards rambling useless trash

I remember when we had the right to talk about what we wanted to talk about without harm to others. But I understand if you want to come in this thread and throw down a insult on what we're talking about instead of just leaving the thread alone and not reading what you think is "trash"

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