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LU205: Beawolf is kicking all players for no reason (again)

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As mentioned in my last thread (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37310-wtf-is-the-deal-with-lu205/) the "badmin" of LU205 seems to be active again. We just want to reach our tent and never see that server again, but the instant second i see the playerlist my friends and i get kicked. If you manage to get a glimpse on that list for some seconds, you can see that the admin kicks every player except for about 3-5 players.

This looks a lot like abusing the server to me.

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Checked the server again later on- Beawolf was offline, and as I thought neither any kicking or restarting occured.

Can someone at least issue a warning of some sorts to the server owner?

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Beawolf is kicking again.. still he and his mates are playing.. all of the others were kicked!!!!

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