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Desync Issues

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Playing on my server with my friends. I'm driving the ATV, I appear to stop on my friends screen while still driving on mine. Reverse is true aswell. My friend screen will then catch up to my screen after 10-20 seconds. Zombie against player interactions are fine, player versus player interactions are broken. Loot appears to be desyncing aswell, resulting in item duplicates.

Any ideas?

Edited by Chazzy

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I was looking at my server log, when the Desyncs occur, I get about a hundred lines of

"14:20:49 No player found for channel 482074752 - message ignored"

14:20:49 No player found for channel 482074752 - message ignored

14:20:49 No player found for channel 482074752 - message ignored

Also, Rcon commands are very slow, Rcon is also constantly disconnecting from the server.

Edited by Chazzy

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This is on HFB Servers if anyone is having the same issue.

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I have a HFB server also with massive Dsync issues since the update, but i dont see the above error in my server logs. I contacted HFB and they said it wasnt the server and blamed it on hive having issues. After watching the server for a few hrs it timesout every 30-50sec. I hope a fix comes soon or im going to move host's as you cant play with a squad when everyone is running in place.

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I have a HFB server also with massive Dsync issues since the update, but i dont see the above error in my server logs. I contacted HFB and they said it wasnt the server and blamed it on hive having issues. After watching the server for a few hrs it timesout every 30-50sec. I hope a fix comes soon or im going to move host's as you cant play with a squad when everyone is running in place.


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Yeah. That's the HIVE not accepting the communication which causes the desync. It's happening to random people from all hosts. =/

- John

From HFB, any ideas on how to fix it?

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I have the same issue Desync is rly bad the server is unplayable and my server host is HostAltitude but looks like every server have the same problem any idea? is because the last update? what should we do?

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