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Server list has become a complete cluster-f**k

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Can we please get the majority of the servers all running the same DayZ and Arma2 beta patch version? It is making finding a server to play on needlessly difficult and basically a complete cluster-f**k.

Last night the majority of servers were updating to 95054 because Six launcher was updating all their users to that version...

I had a manual install running 94876...Manually updated to 95054 and the game started to crash every time I joined a server.

Then I could only play the game if I launch through Six launcher, otherwise it crashes every time I joined a server...

I load up Six Launcher today, and now it has updated me to 95099 and the majority of servers are still running 95054 or even 94876...

Why the actual f**k are the beta patches not backwards compatible with servers running the previous beta versions?

Why are there so many beta patches?

Why is Six Launcher pushing the beta updates for DayZ when 94876 was working fine and there has been no announcements from the DayZ devs about updating the ArmA2 beta version?

The amount of different beta patches is really f**king the server browser up. It's a complete mess!

Is it too much to ask that we get everyone running the same f**king version? F**k...Rant over.

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Honestly, I would stop using Six Launcher.

The updates are very easy to manually install (just a simple exe).

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DayZCommander has been absolutely amazing for me. The filtering system helps remove servers running versions that do not work with the one you have installed.

It's still in development, but it improves with every update.


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I've been using Sixlauncher and just joining rooms that end in 878 or 5057. There's a newer one now?

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DayZCommander has been absolutely amazing for me. The filtering system helps remove servers running versions that do not work with the one you have installed.

It's still in development, but it improves with every update.


I agree its very good. Even shows what time of the day or night it is on many servers.

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Last night the majority of servers were updating to 95054 because Six launcher was updating all their users to that version...


Is it too much to ask that we get everyone running the same f**king version? F**k...Rant over.

This -

F i l t e r

Search the version you're looking for..... and just like magic, all the others are gone!

Edited by Sidekicknicholas

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Well there is that tiny problem that Rocket has dictated that servers run the lastest beta version (which has been getting updates every 12hours the last few days), plus the fact that the extreamly well programmed anti-cheat engine Battleeye(sarcasm) is haveing trouble updateing their versions to recognise the latest betapatch fast enough.

So the admins are getting mad at Rocket for all the daily updates and the players are getting mad at the server admins because they can't connect(due to outdated battleeye)

This is also why some servers are running older more stable versions, and why there is a divide between versions.

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Honestly, I would stop using Six Launcher.

The updates are very easy to manually install (just a simple exe).

I never used Six Launcher until last night. I was FORCED to start using it last night after manually updating to the 95054 and after that the game was completely broken...Crashed no matter what I did... Now it ONLY works if I launch through Six launcher...

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Well there is that tiny problem that Rocket has dictated that servers run the lastest beta version (which has been getting updates every 12hours the last few days), plus the fact that the extreamly well programmed anti-cheat engine Battleeye(sarcasm) is haveing trouble updateing their versions to recognise the latest betapatch fast enough.

So the admins are getting mad at Rocket for all the daily updates and the players are getting mad at the server admins because they can't connect(due to outdated battleeye)

This is also why some servers are running older more stable versions, and why there is a divide between versions.

What you just said simply isn't true. At no point has any of the Day Z staff told us to use a beta version that did not have BattlEye support.

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update manually and stop using six

Maybe learn to f**king read a post before you respond to it. My install was manual and worked perfectly, but all the servers were running 95054, so I MANUALLY updated to 95054 and after that Arma2 crashed without fail, every time I successfully joined a server.

I had to update to that beta in order to join the servers that had all changed to that version. The only way I can get the game to launch without crashing now is with Six Launcher. I have no f**king idea why. My friend has exactly the same issue.

At the end of the day, it is completely irrelevant how we update or launch the game. The main point is that there should be consistency in the versions that are being run...At the moment, there is none.

It seems to me that Six Launcher is to blame for the problem because they are pushing beta updates on their users beyond the one officially recommended by Rocket (94876).

All I am saying is that it is f**king annoying and needs to be sorted out.

Edited by soapmak3r

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Maybe learn to f**king read a post before you respond to it. My install was manual and worked perfectly, but all the servers were running 95054, so I MANUALLY updated to 95054 and after that Arma2 crashed without fail, every time I successfully joined a server.

I had to update to that beta in order to join the servers that had all changed to that version. The only way I can get the game to launch without crashing now is with Six Launcher. I have no f**king idea why. My friend has exactly the same issue.

At the end of the day, it is completely irrelevant how we update or launch the game. The main point is that there should be consistency in the versions that are being run...At the moment, there is none.

It seems to me that Six Launcher is to blame for the problem because they are pushing beta updates on their users beyond the one officially recommended by Rocket (94876).

All I am saying is that it is f**king annoying and needs to be sorted out.

Are you sure all your updates were the beta's and NOT the RC's?

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Are you sure all your updates were the beta's and NOT the RC's?

I had been running 94876 on a manual install since 1.7.2 until last night when my friend said his Six Updater had updated him to 95054 and he couldn't play on the same server as myself and my other friend.

So, we left the server, had a look about the forums, saw nothing about updating to 95054 and said to our friend that we weren't going to update to it.

Next thing, we tried to join the server we were just on and it had literally just updated to 95054! So we both manually updated to that...Which broke the game.

I reinstalled battleeye, verified integrity of the game, reinstalled the beta, reinstalled the 94876 beta etc...Nothing worked. My friend even reinstalled the whole game from a back of of his steamapps folder and it still crashed for him...

The only thing that worked for both of us was launching the game through Six Launcher. Everything else resulted in a crash with out fail, even with DayZ commander.

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