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Mays (DayZ)

Should I replace the NV FN FAL?

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I've heard by friends/ people on here it's not good.. would you replace it if you had it? Or would you just keep it in your bag? Cause I have the M14 Sniper in my bag at the moment.

And if I should replace it... what should I replace it with?

Edited by Mays

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The M14 is a great gun for most situations, you don't really need a second primary in my opinion.


Maybe a MP5SD6 as your second primary after another thought to take zombies out quietly which the M14 cannot do.

Edited by Rollie Pollie

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I found one at a crash site today, but I left it since I already have an FN FAL + NVG. Imo it's pretty useless.

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