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Looking for a survivor to play with

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I tend to play pretty cautious (usually a hatchet, and a quiet sidearm), so I'm looking for someone to play with and be more on the long range side. Being that I use a hatchet and sidearm, I run into bandits and have problems, or get outnumbered/snuck up on by zeds while sneaking up on another one.

I've been playing for about a week, so I know how to play, but I am still learning.

Right now I'm trying to get a vehicle and hopefuly look for more to start a convoy, and maybe get some more people also to drive that convoy in the future.

If you're interested reply here, or add me on steam at WheelManMC3

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Hey, I'm really new to DayZ but I'm looking for people to play and learn with. Hit me up on Steam, I have the same username on there.

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Im also looking for a DAyZ group with my friend my name on Steam is: AngerMan3000 and i think my friend verfumbo is also looking for a group ot play with.

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I started playing with a group called The Anti-Bandits, and I would suggest looking them up, I'm having a ton of fun with them.

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