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Sporadic crazy FPS drop

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Hi there,I bought Arma 2 on steam and started to play DayZ.Everything is fine for 5-10mins,then i go to 4fps for about 10 minutes,then back to normal for 5 mins,then 4fps again.It doesnt seem to matter where i am in game,crowded area or not,and changing the settings makes no difference either.

At the moment i am running it through steam using -beta=Expansion\beta\expansion;G:\@DayZ -nosplash -world=empty -mod=@dayz,and using ramdisk,but have tried through arma2 and six launcher all with and without ramdisk and nothing has helped.


AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core 5000+ 2.6

4G ram

Nvidia GeForce 9500GT

Windows XP 64-Bit

I know my processor isnt the best but my system is above minimum requirements via Arma2 website and http://systemrequire...cyri/intro.aspx Also,If my proccssor wasnt good enough,surely it would be shitty all the time?

I have just tried downloading new processor drivers and the AMD dual core optimizer....still nothing.Have noticed on task manager,When everything is ok CPU usage is about 60%,when frame rate drops,cpu bar spikes to 100%Probably stating the obvious but am all out of ideas.

And yes i have tried closing down all background programs.

Anyone else having these problems?Im happy to answer more questions/give more info if required,Thanks.

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I'm not a huge computer guy, but I have the same problem but it takes longer. My brother told me it was likely because of my memory because I really don't have that much. Might want to check into that. By the way, You don't need to have steam open to play DayZ. I suppose playing DayZ without Steam open would help a tad bit. ( Again, not a huge computer guy ) Hope this helps.

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Yeh not too helpful,but thanks.Anyone heard of throttlestop?could this help?

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To OP, your cpu is weaksauce, not much you can do with it, other than buy new & start again, sorry.

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Yeh thanks,as stated above i know my cpu isnt great however it does run.Toaday i played for 20mins before the fps issue started,which makes me think that it can run it,it just encounters some problem for whatever reason.

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ok so looks like ive fixed it,it was my cpu overheating.Cleaned up the heatsink and fan,and put my house fan blowing on it to keep it cool

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ok so looks like ive fixed it,it was my cpu overheating.Cleaned up the heatsink and fan,and put my house fan blowing on it to keep it cool

Could you tell me how you fixed this? I have the exact same cpu as you except I have an HD Radeon 6670. Oh well, But what did you do?

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