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Got server need a squad

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Im well geared and bin alive for 24 days so far. I got my own server but need mates to play with. Prefer seasoned players that are not completely new to the game. Steam name is: Alucardi

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ive bin playing for 1/2 month and ill glady join you i dont got no one to play with atm. Steam name is: Zade145

Edited by Anseum

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iv would like to join u too iv been playing for 2 days XD, and alone is getting boring i would like to play with you. ifu want i have a teamspeak server. where we could talk.

also my steam is : martinscott290

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Plenty of experience, interested in playing along.

Steam: Kuruption | Detroit

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what server u playing on? if u have teamspeak join: ts.mcsg.in and look for the_french_guy in the channels.

Edited by the_french_guy

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I got  DE server with -8 GMT so europeans can play on the evenings. It was setup yesterday but arm i can't play. My character wont save any progress, if I die and relog in back on same spot as before. So nothing I do saves.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

Edited by Alucardi

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hi i want to join have been playing it for about 4 days now and got a pretty good hang of the game so far and i know how to repair cars and bikes.

Steam name frasse666

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