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Creating stuff out of scraps

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When rocket talked about the idea, he wanted bases (underground) at rezzed, i thought why not add the opputunaty to create stuff, fx claymore and string, u make a tripwire bomb. or adding metal plates to windows of cars for more protection agaist zombies and bullets. Or even crazy and stupid stuff like spikes infront of car for more dmg when driving ppl and zeds over. Nails and a plank u got urself a spiked club.

In general get more use out of trashloot and get more trash loot than emtry whisky, soda bottles and tin cans.

some stuff to create require more types of tools, and should make the player decide on what he/her to carry with them, because of inventory slots.

But tis just an overall idea, what do you guys think ?

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Well i am not thinking of who should code it, but if its a idea the community find good, and can be executed well, it could be a thing that could be added to the content wishlist for the standalone dayz version, if that is gonna happen.

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