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Autosave tent and vehicles to avoid dubing

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This might be more of a fix than a suggestion, but for people that dont know it. When u press save on a tent or vehicle with loot, that save will be loaded on server reboot.

The problem is that when u have servers that reboot every 6 hours, for giving heli crashes new locations and refreshed loot, which i find is fair, the problem is the tents, if u have a as50 u can put it inside every tent u have and then press save and pick it back up. after server restart boom, as50 in all ur tents, that is really not a good thing, makes u loose reason to move to places with high value loot. I dunno how u can make it for best server performance, but maybe everytime a player is done interacting with vehicle or tent, the server will save the tent.

Kind Regards


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