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Changed servers and upon loading in my primary weapon, bottom slot gear, backpack and sidearm are all gone.

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There is a screenshot of my inventory upon logging in.. :\

Lost my pack, the m14 in it and other assorted stuff like a camping tent, lost my DMR, my revolver and all the bottom slot gear I had which was just about everything besides a GPS..

In roughly 500 hours of DayZ (Crazy, I know!) I've never experienced this bug but it is hands down the worst one I've ever experienced that is for sure.. think I'll just go hit respawn now out of fear that my character is corrupt and isn't saving properly.


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No one else has had this issue? No ways for me to prevent this happening again?

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i logged off 5 min after geting a kill with the l85a2 to calm down cause i was pumped. first kill with that gun. and come back to the server and its gone i still have the ammo for it and all but the gun was just gone i had everything else.

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Same exact thing happened to me.

Lost my l85 and two DMRs that I was taking to stash in a tent.

Really hope someone posts here, I've lost 3 l85s due to random glitches like this. Really starting to annoy me.

EDIT: Lost all my tools as well, including range finger, gps, and NVG.

Edited by Wonkavator

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same thing with me I log out and when i log back in my main wep my pistol and my alice back all gone

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This exact same thing happend to me 3 times now, everything gone tools and all...for both me and my bro. And its happend to my (only) at the NW Airfield and the surrounding area (high loot barn) south toward road, im going to avoid that area for now....

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