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Things (Axes) that go bump in the night

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It was a dark night, black as pitch. Nothing could be heard except the thud of my footsteps and the wind through the trees.

Moving from tower to tower in the Balota medical base.I threw a green chemlight to light my way when suddenly CRACK CRACK CRACK the sound of an AK piercing through the night. All I had was my trusty hatchet, chemlights and a few flares... You wanna shoot at me? LET IT BEGIN!

Tearing along the side of the base I jump over the wall, frantically checking the tree line to the north from where I heard the shots, nothing.. he must be hiding. Obviously he didn't have night vision goggles as he couldn't see me either. Now is when the fun starts >:-)>

Creeping along the tree line I swing my hatchet at the trees I am passing, thud, thud, thud. Crack! he fires at a zombie. I run off into the night and throw a flare at his location, run off to another direction and again throw a flare, continuing on in this pattern until I ran out. Again I creep along hitting the trees with my hatchet... This time whispering to my victim "I'm coming for you" in a creepy voice. Crack! he fires at another zombie shambling along the road then takes off as fast as he can towards Cherno, which at this point I lose him.

I decide to follow in the direction of my attempted murderer and reach the outskirts or Cherno, nothing... Then suddenly from the supermarket a flare comes flying out, landing just short of me, so I duck behind a bush. He makes his way into a house with me trailing behind. I hesitate for a second, If he sees me in the house I'm done for, he has an AK after all. So i decide to wait, watching him from outside the windows like a silent stalker.

I decide to take cover in some bushes and wait for him to come outside. I see the barrel of a gun poke out through the door, he shortly follows. Turns towards me and throws another flare in my direction! At this point I am totally lit up by the red glow and he looks straight at me... surely it is over... but no he turns and sidesteps closer to me, inching his way closer. Now he has his back to me and is walking backwards. I start to creep out until THUD, he walks backwards into me, turns around and then CRACK! My axe connects with his head and he falls to the floor... Dead.

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