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I found a tent, so I'm looking for a place to call home.

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As the title suggests, in a single trip I managed to get myself an M4A1 CCO, an M24 and a tent. This is the first time I've found an unpacked tent, so now I'm looking for a server to call home.

Does anyone have a favourite, home server? Recommendations, or places to avoid?


Edit: One thing I forgot to add, I'm in the UK so any European servers are viable, and East Coast at a push.

Edited by angelomnipotent

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tbh its best just to test a few out, ones that you can always get into, and with a difficulty that you like.also if you plan to go solo its probably a good idea not to join a clan's server as some will hunt players in packs or horde vehicles (not all clans might i add)

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im not sure why but UK119 (regular) and UK9 (veteran) are both favourited on my six launcher

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I'll be running with one other person so not quite lone wolf, but your tip about the clan servers is appreciated. Something I hadn't thought of until now.

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