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ARMA 2 Reinforcements Has Stopped Working....

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Hello, i have recently bought ARMA 2 Combined Ops off STEAM;

To start with i struggled just to get the game working, but in the end after following troubleshooting guides i have got the game working.

Many of times ive had problems, for instance after installing a patches ive had to follow numerous guides just to get the game to working,

and now i have a problem where when i load the game, ill launch a multiplayer game both Dayz & Non Dayz multiplayer games;

they'll load past the splash screen (usually the tank) just pass that to where its about to say "Waiting for character to create" or "loading" and itll crash to desktop and say " Arma 2 Reinforcements have stopped working"

I Know there has been a topic on this which has aparantly been fixed... Even though half of the comments are saying "Followed your guide, still not working.." So i would appreciate it if people were to not post "This has been resolved, please look on the forums" for i have looked all over the internet and nothing is working.

Things to know;

Reguardless of what people say all the time (RE INSTALL THE GAME) im not going to bother because many of people said it made no difference and it takes around 8 hours to install both Arma2 and Arrowhead, Slowing the whole network down for everyone..

I HAVE PATCHED TO THE LATEST 1.61, and always kept up with the Beta patches...

I Have already tried patching down to previous Beta Patches and ARMA Patches (1.60)

I've UNINSTALLED BATTLE EYE a thousand times and re installed it both via steam and through the option whilst downloading a beta patch...

This is affecting my whole game and not just DayZ, TBH ive found more enjoyment in playing the standered Multiplayer because DayZ takes around 30mins just to find a server that'll load.

Ive noted that this particular error has occured after patching to a Beta Patch (i believe 95054 but not 100%)

Please if you can help in any way do.

Sorry if the punctuaition or grammar isnt perfect, keyboard is abit dodgey!


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I have the exact same problem. Read everything about it there is currently online and it seems like it happens to people who updated to the latest beta patch. Actually some forums date back to 2010 and they talk about this "reinforcement" error popping up in Arma 2. I hope more people patch their games so this problem gets addressed.

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I have this same problem and it's driving me mad with no end in sight. Uninstalled and reinstalled everything multiple times. Can't get on any MP servers with the beta patches because no one seems to want to update and none seem backwards compatible either. Keep verifying the files through Steam and it continually wants to update 1 file over and over. Checked Steam and BiS forums and the only advice from Dwarden is to update to beta patches, that doesn't do any good when server host don't do it.....lol. Even tried deleting the @DayZ folder also to no avail.

Hope someone has an answer for this.

Edited by SIMJEDI

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I have recently bought the game on Thursday and finally finished the download yesterday. I did every step on getting the mod, DayZ onto the game itself, but never gotten to play a single second on a DayZ server. Whenever I get into a server it goes through a process of loadings when it eventually finishes it takes me out of the game and into my desktop with a message noting, " Arma 2 Reinforcements Has Stopped Working." I went through a series of research and Googling and came up with nothing. I am a very sad panda at the moment and would love to actually play this game with the mod. If anyone has any way of solving this situation can you please contact me through my email : entryfive@hotmail.com .

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