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Idea for Whiskey Still's

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Wandering the forests can be a lonely trek boring execpt for the seldomly found deer hide's .

My suggestion is to have the ability to find whiskey stills which can be hidden away in forests where houses/anything else is sparse.

Additionally , maybe u can use found stills to refill the empty JD bottles that are found lying about , could possible be filled in same way that you fill the empty water bottles , this could then give u the effect of warming u thru / killing pain , but maybe at the cost of having screen slighty blur due to the effects of alcahol , maybe even drinking to much causes u to fall unconcious .

Additionally if u could find rags ect u could make motolov's ?

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Full whiskey bottles + bandages = molotov. Box of matches needed to throw. Disaprove to the still idea.

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yea i already posted a suggestion for molotovs and also said about getting drunk as a joke but people got soo attached to the idea of getting pissed they missed the fact of molotovs so, its a no from me :D

Have beans anyway <3

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seems like a fun idea, im in for it man +1

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the only problem with molotovs is that when people have alot they will spam them and ruin the game for everyone.

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instead just drop filled whiskey bottles at a 1 to 8 or so ratio. 1 full to every 8 empty that is. bandage and matches for molotovs and a simple painkiller and warmer for shock but add getting drunk as a side effect ( blurry screen)

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