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is there any difference between AS50's own ammo and 107 ammo?

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as50 round does a lot of damaged compared to using that of a m107 round. always good to match the as50 with its own round but its so dang difficult to find the ammo. i come across more m107 mags then i do the as50. it's an insane difference, i believe you can find it on the dayz wiki page. normally both a 1 hit kill anyways on a person. lol i tagged a guy in the foot since that was the only thing exposed and he died...then dc'd to prevent me from looting his body.

Edited by cruelntention

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as50 round does a lot of damaged compared to using that of a m107, it's an insane difference, i believe you can find it on the dayz wiki page. normally both a 1 hit kill anyways on a person. lol i tagged a guy in the foot since that was the only thing exposed and he died...then dc'd to prevent me from looting his body.

Both guns 1 hit to any part of body, the AS-50 own ammo are armor piercing so better for destroying cars.

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http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_magazines/10Rnd_127x99_m107/config (and http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_ammo/B_127x99_Ball_noTracer/config)


http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_magazines/5Rnd_127x99_as50/config (and http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_ammo/B_127x99_Ball_noTracer_BAF/config)

Basically, most important difference is the muzzle velocity. Damage doesn't matter (it's 1HK anyway), but it can shoot through thicker walls with native ammo.

Also, there's a video from an identical Russian thread:

Edited by KizUrazgubi

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http://browser.six-p...x99_m107/config (and http://browser.six-p...noTracer/config)


http://browser.six-p...x99_as50/config (and http://browser.six-p...acer_BAF/config)

Basically, most important difference is the muzzle velocity. Damage doesn't matter (it's 1HK anyway), but it can shoot through thicker walls with native ammo.

Also, there's a video with from an identical Russian thread:

you can shoot through walls in this game? i thought you couldnt even shoot through some glass...

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is ti true that on AS50 you have to use zoomed out view to use milidots while 107 fully zoomed it (aka more accurate) ?

i believe the AS50 scope is not "scaled" correctly whereas the mildots for the M107 are perfect and you can range on the fly. could be wrong but I read this somewhere else where the AS50 mildots were giving people inaccurate ranges using the mildot technique.

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could be wrong but I read this somewhere else where the AS50 mildots were giving people inaccurate ranges using the mildot technique.

In ARMA, any reticles in general (not only mil-dots) are highly dependent on your FOV, aspect ratio and who knows what else. Don't use the tables, always make one yourself for your particular setup.


you can shoot through walls in this game? i thought you couldnt even shoot through some glass...

Yep. For example some metallic fences are penetrable even by a pistol bullet. Bigger guns can even shoot through some walls or corners, but they tend to deflect the bullet randomly. The glass is glitchy, that's true.

Edited by KizUrazgubi

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http://browser.six-p...x99_m107/config (and http://browser.six-p...noTracer/config)


http://browser.six-p...x99_as50/config (and http://browser.six-p...acer_BAF/config)

Basically, most important difference is the muzzle velocity. Damage doesn't matter (it's 1HK anyway), but it can shoot through thicker walls with native ammo.

Also, there's a video with from an identical Russian thread:

why even bother with mil dots on a gun that has zeroing?

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why even bother with mil dots on a gun that has zeroing?

It's much simpler for an experienced sniper, more accurate, and sometimes much faster. Other than that, personal preference.

Edited by KizUrazgubi
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