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Ultimate holdup!

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Hahaha whoever this was didn't get you're name you're an IDIOT!

Ok heres the story...

I was running through the woods by mogilevka and saw a road flare i had a revolver with NO AMMO. I investigate further with my binocs and notice the flare is moving so I'm thinking "great he won't see me coming its dark and i can just kill him" the i realize i had no ammo at all. So i was just like F*uck it lets go jesse james style holdup i walked up to his back and screamed "GET ON THE FUC*ING FLOOR NOW DROP YOURE WEAPON I WANT YOURE PACK YOURE GUN AND FOOD" and sure enough he didn't mess around he dropped his M4A3 CCO with 6 stanags

m1911 with 4 mags and his coyote pack with a bunch of food i took it all shot him in his leg and dropped a morphine and bandage bout 70 meters away from him so he couldn't get up and hatchet attack me!

So i accomplished what i didn't think was possible i got a m4a3 coo of someones body without shooting them! haha! shame i didn't get it on fraps


Edited by BoomPow
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I once held someone up but didnt rob them, saw him entering the abrn i was going for close enough to use direct coms ordered hjim to face down the hill on the ground and he obliged, without moving after 3 or 4 mins told him if he double times back up the road without looking back i wont shoot him, and then laughed as i watched him jump up and sprint off into the distance exactly like he was told.

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You took all his stuff and THEN shot him? That pretty low of you.


Whoops missed a little bit of it lol!

@NKjaer - Just because somebody misread the OP doesn't give you the right to call anyone names,

a typical example of a trolling assbag so common to these forums lol.

PS. If i see NKjaer in-game i'll make sure to blow his head off lol! <3

Edited by deltaforce11
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He shot him in the leg to break it, then left the guy a dose of morphine to fix himself. Didnt you read the thing? Jeez...

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  On 7/19/2012 at 2:41 PM, deltaforce11 said:

You took all his stuff and THEN shot him? That pretty low of you.

Damn, retard. Read the fucking text.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 2:41 PM, deltaforce11 said:

You took all his stuff and THEN shot him? That pretty low of you.

Accutaly i though it was pretty nice considering i left him a dose of morphine

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How is the guy an idiot, you cought him off guard, the right thing would be doing this if you play dayz as it is ment to be played.

this is what a bandit should actually do...

I bet you play deahmatches and disconnect a lot ha?

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Exactly. How is the guy an idiot? Could he magically view your computer screen and see that you had no bullets? For all he knew, you had a .50 cal pointed at his back at point blank range. Good on you for not killing him outright, that was a good show... but still.. there was no way for him to know you were bluffing. If you got caught with your pants down like that, either you would of done what the bandit said, alt f4'd or tried to turn around just to get shot in the face.

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I would love to do a hold-up on other players, but it's almost impossible without them getting themselves killed in some stupid way, may it be running away and getting shot or trying to shoot me in the process.

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was low of you to shoot him. even if you did give him morphine you could have put him on low blood

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  On 7/20/2012 at 9:40 AM, Justin619 said:

was low of you to shoot him. even if you did give him morphine you could have put him on low blood

The kids lucky i didn't pop his ass in the head why am i getting hate for this were all bandits here and if you're not a bandit why the hell r u in the bandit campfire like really if i was the kid that got his stuff stolen i would've just said thanks for not killing me it wasn't low of me if he had low blood well, that sucks at least he's not dead

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