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Night Servers - No Gamma

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Anybody have a list of decent US night servers that don't allow the gamma boost exploit? I'd like to start actually using my flashlight/chemlights/flares without being at a disadvantage from everybody else on the server using the gamma exploit.

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dont know.... can a server admin restrict to higher ur gamma ????? i dont think so, its a .ini option so he cant destrict it for any1 its need a Beta patch i think to restrict gamma hack :)

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Probably not going to happen. Even if you restrict gamma in the game what is to stop people from doing it on their monitors or directly through the video card settings? This is a hopeless cause.

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I've joined a couple servers randomly that definitely either restricted gamma changes or decreased total light by a ton. Gamma changes didn't make a dent. I'm on one of the most recent beta patches and there has been no change there to how gamma in handled in game...I can still crank it up and get a pretty much perfect b/w night-vision equivalent picture, and it bothers me that I have to do it to keep things remotely fair.

I understand there's no way to keep people from hacking their brightness/gamma up by external means, but I'd say that's the exception rather than the rule and much more of a bother than simply going into options and moving a slider.

Edited by Huuwap

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You probably just joined servers that were overcast and moonless.

I have not seen any options for restricting gamma.

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You probably just joined servers that were overcast and moonless.

I have not seen any options for restricting gamma.

This^^ the nights I look for now that I have some NVG's only under certain conditions does the gamma thing work and lol at exploit, why have the option in the first place?

Hurts my eyes after a bit trying it, so I used to stick too till daylight until^^

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Interesting. I don't know that I've ever paid attention to whether it was overcast/moonless since I usually spawn inside a building and didn't think that would make a difference. I'd think it would be as dark as it gets inside at night regardless of clouds/moon in a windowless room, LOL.

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