KarinjaNinja 80 Posted July 19, 2012 To Rocket and the rest of the DayZ Development team, I understand this is an alpha mod and that you have a lot of things to tweak/make better for the game. In order for your "experiment" to work out you need people testing the games and giving feedback. Right now hackers are making it really hard for your "testers" to have fun playing this game. I have died and lost gear to multiple bugs/glitches as well as zombies and other players. I am fine with this and don't get attached to my gear as I know this is in alpha. BUT when these hackers have the power to nuke an entire server and kill 50+ people with the press of a button than I have problems with that and there needs to be something done. Finding a way to limit/rid of these hackers should be your priority right now.Last night I joined about 5 different servers and 3 of them got nuked by a hacker. One of the other 2 had hackers spawning in weapons... There have been people posting hacks all over these forums and on youtube. The hack is now PUBLIC and anyone can download and start hacking away. I will continue to play this game and help "test" but I really believe that your "project" is going in the wrong direction right now. Server hopping and D/cing to avoid death are no longer a big concern when you have people who can teleport across the map, see where everyone is on the map and can kill everyone on the server with a press of the button. Soon there will be hackers in almost every server and no one is going to want to play when they play for hours and then die to someone in god mode. If there is truly nothing you can do until your standalone game then I hope this mod makes it that long because when everyone who plays this game starts dieing to hackers and quit one by one you will wish you did something.Thanks for listening,The Ninja Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badhaggis 40 Posted July 19, 2012 Not their fault its bohemia's ...... look im not even going to explain, around 1 minutes of research would have shown you that this topic has been debated to death, there is nothing rocket can do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The L!ne 31 Posted July 19, 2012 but maybe he can change things for the feature if dayz is converted/reprogrammed for another engine, they should try to find some better cheat-detection ;)but i think active admins are the best cheat-detection. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badhaggis 40 Posted July 19, 2012 Yes but ATM it is impossible so quit suggesting it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Womb Raider 92 Posted July 20, 2012 For starters you say that people will leave because of the hackers, but even if they do Day Z is still going to be HUGE. Also if losing your gear makes you want to leave, then you are a sad person and I feel sorry for you.Rocket and co are doing their best to try and combat hackers, but Day Z which is built on Arma 2's engine is easily hackable, so there are going to be problems, have some patience, rather than coming on the forums and lecturing Rocket and co on issues they are very well aware of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites