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NL69 cheater, Teleporting and item spawn

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Today on NL69 12:50 PM UTC+01:00

was a guy his name is 4len s ushami

he was teleporting over the map and killed 3 friends of me in differend places on the map in under 3 mins.

he killed them after there respawn again in differend places.

so after this he teleports to one of them and spawns in front of him a car and some items and a SD sniper rifle + some more items.

my friend asks him how he does it and he told him in direct communication its magic.

pls ban this guy

and sry for my poor english

Edited by TheTrueOgre

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For gods sake, please mods just delete this thread and all the other non-proof-cheat-reports...

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Cant really see anyone getting killed on the server.

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For gods sake, please mods just delete this thread and all the other non-proof-cheat-reports...

Sure do it cause we all have fraps running 24/7 and can check the serverlogs to damn proof such things on our own?

Even with screenshots you can not proof a damn shit of this cause you can not capture the spawnevent on a screenshot.

So tell me what else should a normal player do? Should we now realy run a software all the time we play dayz to capture a cheaters action on film only that you are happy you can watch an other cheater youtube video?

For an admin it should be possible to check the logs of the server and find out what that guy did, for a normal player it is not.

So first use ure brain before you write such stupid stuff.

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For gods sake, please mods just delete this thread and all the other non-proof-cheat-reports...

pls dont post useless comments and be quiet if you dont have to say something usefull.

how will you proof something if a guy spawns in front of you and kills you?

no one has fraps or something running all the time because it could happend that you get killed by a cheater.

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Is the guy still cheating?

not at the moment i think we are on an other server at the moment

but thanks you try to do somthing

how lucky we have good server admins

Edited by TheTrueOgre

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For gods sake, please mods just delete this thread and all the other non-proof-cheat-reports...

lolz ... and your description says you are an admin? I'll need to avoid that one, because you obviously have no interest in protecting the gaming experiences of others.

Where else can players report a cheater? Do you give your personal email address to everyone who logs onto your server?

The OP provided the server name, the time, the names of the players involved, and a description of what happened .... exactly what is requested in the cheat report sticky.

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