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Potential Solution to Spawning in the Debug Forest

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I found a potential solution to spawning in the debug forest when I was spawning in there pretty much all of the time, I often alt-tabbed while waiting as it often took 10+ mins, I decided that it might be the cause so I abstained from it and low and behold it's worked so far! I'm not sure if I've just been lucky and it's a coincidence but if it frequently happens to you then you should give it a go.

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No, debug forest is when your request has timed out. Not because you're alt-tabbing out.

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Oh could alt-tabbing increase the chance of timing out? Cause I've never had so many successful connections since before this started happening on a large scale, and the load has only increased since then.

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Oh could alt-tabbing increase the chance of timing out? Cause I've never had so many successful connections since before this started happening on a large scale' date=' and the load has only increased since then.


Alt-tabbing could potentially be increasing the chance of it timing out. If you alt-tab to browse the web then you're using bandwidth, which is needed to load the game, and could potentially lead to the time out. Also, alt-tabbing will be using precious system resources that are required to load the game. All in all, alt-tabbing while a game loads is just not a good idea. It is almost guaranteed to lead to longer load times.

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