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Odrakis (DayZ)

Vehicles do not spawn-Bug?

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Hey guys!

I guess this thread fits into this topic, it isn´t a bug report yet...I guess.

I spent the last 4 days looking for some vehicles. I used a map to find the spawn locations, but no matter on which server I join, there is nothing!

Jumping from server to server but staying in the same location, that made me think. Could this be a bug or are vehicles really *that* rare? Yesterday I spend hours running around the Black Lake in the NE of the map, switched servers & tried everythink - but found nothing.

The same thing with the heli crash sites.

Some servers I joined where US443, US335, DE191, LU85 & US927 & US950

Anyone having the some problems?


sorry for some mistakes, english is not my native language and it's been a while since school lessons ;)

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Vehicles only respawn if they are destroyed, so in order to find a new vehicle, you would have to find the camps of the servers, destroy all the hoarded cars there, and then they will respawn after 7 days (no idea if that number is true, just read that somewhere)

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The problem is the maps documenting the vehicle spawn locations !

All in All with the removal of helicopters at the moment there isnt a massive amount of vehicles to find considering the typical server hold 50 odd people.

We all know where to look for the vehicles just like you did !. If you have a bunch of regulars on your server (clan, guild W/e) it's pretty much a given that they have a majority of the vehicles held in alternate locations.

Here's hoping we get more vehicles in more random locations soon™

keep looking and you will fine one :/

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I used to be like you, but then i found a bicycle and that let me to an Uaz, uaz to motorcycle, motorcycle to bus, bus to a V3S Civilian.

All on the same server..

I have just found one car in my game time, and that was an uaz ( broken ), to the point!

don't give up searching and think outside the box,

for instance i used to think they all where in the cities but then i realized that who doesn't think like that?

so i went all the way up on the top of the map searching at the spawn points,

and boom! i found a bike, and you see where that let me.

i can give you some tips in private msg :)

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Ok guys, I guess I just have to be patient -_-


indeed, good sir! That would be nice! :)

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