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the musical fruit

Seattle 1337 teleporting, god mode, hatchet

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Server Seattle 1337

Around 12.25 gmt -8

Myself (andyn) and mattc were Camped above black lake by our tent, hidden in fir trees, well out of sight.

A couple of players teleported in behind us with axes.

I shot the first one with a full clip with my m1911, matt did the same. No effect, they seemed to have god mode on. They killed us and I respawned at balota and swam out into the water. Saw the same thing happen to others around the docks.

Seemed to be a lot of people dying on the server leading up to the hack.

Not sure how relevant it is but I think the group leader at the time was dym116

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Server Seattle 1337

Around 12.25 gmt -8

Myself (andyn) and mattc were Camped above black lake by our tent, hidden in fir trees, well out of sight.

A couple of players teleported in behind us with axes.

I shot the first one with a full clip with my m1911, matt did the same. No effect, they seemed to have god mode on. They killed us and I respawned at balota and swam out into the water. Saw the same thing happen to others around the docks.

Seemed to be a lot of people dying on the server leading up to the hack.

Not sure how relevant it is but I think the group leader at the time was dym116

Nothing much will happen here. You have not provided any proof to your claims.

It reads llike you were jumped while at your camp and yourself and a friend managed to squeeze a couple of shots of in the mele, that is getting your face busted up by axe wielding maniacs.

Do you have proof of them teleporting ? them being only equipped with hatchets and finding your camp doesnt sound as unlikley as you try to make it either considering the area you say you were in is accesible to anyone starting out on the north east of the coast. Prob wasn't a good idea to tell us all where your camp is either :)

You respawned at balota and swam out into the water ? you saw the same thing happening to others ?

There is a bug which affects me from time to time: on respawn on the beach I will sometimes find my character walking either forward or backwards automatically. I have to hammer the forward and back buttons a bit to make it stop. Only happens on US servers for me ~( I am in the uk) So suspect it's a latency issue. if you had a high ping on the server at the time it would explain how you managed to miss with a full clip, and in my experience why you walked into the sea.

Seeing a lot of people dieing on a server doesn't equal cheaters. nor does noticing other people dieing right after you died. the exception would be a block of kills ie:

xxxxxxxx was killed

xxxxxxxx was killed

xxxxxxx was killed

xxxxx was killed

etc etc etc.

You provide the name of the group leader and not the people who killed you. while I appriciate it isn't always possible to get the names of your foes. You do need their names to come here to call them out as cheaters.

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Well according to the cheat report guidelines I need to provide location, time and details of the event. Pictures etc seem to be optional, as obviously not everyone has fraps running. I assume there are logs. My ping was 40, friends was 20 or so. I swam out deliberately to see if someone would teleport into the water beside me.

The camp was very recent and well hidden and it's unlikely that multiple people would be able to spawn in. Not concerned about losing the tent. I had a clear 2-3 seconds where the first axe wielder was standing still behind my friend and in that time they took a full clip. Also no ability to see who killed me (logs I assume would detail that though). Server seemed to be easy mode with player location marked on map.

Basically, read the reporting guidelines.

Edited by the musical fruit

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Basically I was nice to you.

Without Evidence your claim is poor. As with most you think your camp could not possibly have been found in a legit manner so you assume they "teleported"

Your ping may have been fine upon joining but unless you checked it while getting killed you can not rule out a spike in ping or other alpha like symptoms.

Look at the bigger picture here. picture or other forms of proof are required to deal with these issues because so many people wrongly call cheat as soon as they are killed in a way they can't understand.

Sure Admin of seattle 1337 could check the logs for you but considering they have probably had multiple cheat accusations already you may find people won't take you seriously without some form of proof other than your words.

you said "They killed us and I respawned at balota and swam out into the water. Saw the same thing happen to others around the docks."

what did you see happening to others around the docks ? I assumed you saw others swimming out to sea ?

One can onl imagine you saw other people getting killed by people with axes ? thats no great revelation on the coast tbh,

Just sayin.

good luck with your report :/

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