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Epidemic (DayZ)

Zombie hordes in the woods ?

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I think they should implement some type of zombie hordes in the woods, Since there is really nothing to worry about in the woods beside players why not zombies. There could be around 5 zombie hordes roaming through random parts of woods. The catch is these zombie hordes will be around 20 - 30 zombies, They will walk through the woods and if a player doesn't spot them or is careless could have 30 walkers running on him. Picture it, Running through the woods stop for a second to check your map, Then you look up and 30 zombies running at you. I don't know about you but this could be a very fun addition to the game, But keep in mind these hordes of zombies would be rare like Heli crashes. Just would be awesome to be at camp at night and have 30 walkers run in, Tell me if it's a good idea or not just my opinion.

~ Epidemic ~

Edited by Epidemic
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i think this is cool idear but it should be on the outskurts of the wood's other wise we will never have safe havens!!!

or mabey be in a ditch somewere like thev all fallen down in to the ditch and you know cannot get back up there for collecting a hord of zombies!



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I think its a great idea. Because it gets a bit boring while walking in the woods... But if theres zombies to shot at, might make it a bit more exciting lol

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i think this is cool idear but it should be on the outskurts of the wood's other wise we will never have safe havens!!!

or mabey be in a ditch somewere like thev all fallen down in to the ditch and you know cannot get back up there for collecting a hord of zombies!



Well it's as rare as Heli crashes. I don't know how rare that is but considering that i've played 28 hours+ and haven't seen one , I think it's a good idea. It allows you to run threw the woods like always, but keeps you from slacking off from looking at the screen. Also much fun for the groups of people that have nothing to do. Great idea, as far as it stay somewhat "rare" :).

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i think this is cool idear but it should be on the outskurts of the wood's other wise we will never have safe havens!!!

or mabey be in a ditch somewere like thev all fallen down in to the ditch and you know cannot get back up there for collecting a hord of zombies!



I drew up a rough sketch of the paths they would be traveling, I know it's sloppy but that's the general idea. They would be mostly walking through the woods, Near the coast and out near the edges of the map. There could be like 2 - 3 30 walker hordes, Once a horde was killed they would respawn on one of these patrolling paths 5 days later. I think this would really be a good implement into the game. It would be cool if they wen't across open fields too so you could spot them and either follow them or just watch them run after people.

Rough sketch: http://imgur.com/pPVaA

( Yeah tried making paths look like blood streaks lol )

~ Epidemic ~

Edited by Epidemic

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I like the idea of having random 'herds' of zombies walking through the woods, just to add a bit of randominity too keep you on your toes. At it's present state there's just countless amounts of empty space with no real danger other than the players that happen to come across you.

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ahhh, just thinking about another post, people are saying to have wild life in the woods such as wolves, bears, and you can get special meat from them or use the skin as warmer clothing so instead of zeds in the woods id rather have wild animals, so disagree :D

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This is something I dream of as well, either this or zeds roaming into woods from various sorts of towns/villages (but that is highly unlikely to be implememted).

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Rocket has already said about Wild life that randomly attack you in the woods, so lets hope we get it :D

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Rocket has already said about Wild life that randomly attack you in the woods, so lets hope we get it :D

Lions, Tigers, And bears.

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Lions, Tigers, And bears.

Lions???? Lol Awesome, i think they should add in a Rabid Squirrel :D

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This has been posted ad nauseum, was there not going to be a sticky of already posted ideas?

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Yeah a good idea, running through the woods for 4 hours sure did get boring for me! :D

But then again, with no weapons (i still hate that idea) we can't even take refuge in the woods if we get chased :(

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Yeah a good idea, running through the woods for 4 hours sure did get boring for me! :D

But then again, with no weapons (i still hate that idea) we can't even take refuge in the woods if we get chased :(

Well of course of you find those Big pine trees that snipers like to hide in when getting chased by a zombie, Run in the middle of 2 of them and for some reason zombies cannot go through them. It's how me and my squad loose them if we need to be stealth and are low on Sd rounds.

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I like the idea of having random 'herds' of zombies walking through the woods, just to add a bit of randominity too keep you on your toes. At it's present state there's just countless amounts of empty space with no real danger other than the players that happen to come across you.

^ what he said. Sure would make things more fun/interesting.

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I rather like the idea of a horde of zombie boy scouts or hikers roaming the woods (or another group that would plausibly be there: lumberjacks, a military patrol, highway maintenance crews... any group that was in the wilderness together when the shit hit the fan). It would also be good if they had better loot on them; I'm sure a band of scouts would be carrying matches, hunting knives, maps, compasses and tents with them!

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I would like a large persistant always moving horde on each server. The horde slowly migrates around the map, through cities, wandering through forests, across airfields. Keeping track of where the horde is would be vital for survival, running into another player (assuming you don't shoot each other) and being told not to go into nearby town due to the horde passing through would add immersion to the game world.

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