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IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

I'm in a high yield farm east of Zeleno

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Drozhino to be precise, at least, that's where I think I am.

I have a Winchester 1866 with 45 slugs, couple food cans, couple cans of pop. And a couple medical necessities.

I want to avoid high populated areas. Any suggestions on where to head from here?

Edited by IroquoisPliskin

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If you have 2-4 canteens of water, matches, axe and knife, you can survive in wilderness, only exposing yourself when getting water or changing forest--> Stick to forests west of Zelenogorsk along the borders to the far north and north- east, that way you can hunt tents, hidden cars and other hunters.

Upside: Great chance for gear stealing, long survival.

Downside: missing most of map, hardly see other players

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If you have 2-4 canteens of water, matches, axe and knife, you can survive in wilderness, only exposing yourself when getting water or changing forest--> Stick to forests west of Zelenogorsk along the borders to the far north and north- east, that way you can hunt tents, hidden cars and other hunters.

Upside: Great chance for gear stealing, long survival.

Downside: missing most of map, hardly see other players

Not a bad idea, though I feel much safer with a firearm.

I ended up running into a friendly in Kozlovka. Supposedly him and some friends are friendlies like me wanting to group up and survive rather than kill other players. Showed me some cool spots, was definitely a good idea to head in the direction I did!

That's why I love this game, cause even little stuff like that is a cool experience you don't find in many games.

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