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Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

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You know what I've always wondered is why is the winny the most common gun/rifle in the game and not the remmy.. out of all my gun wielding friends most had remmys and NONE had a winny, are they popular to the surrounding area in real life?

But I agree it is situational with the weapons, if you play smart a mak will out do a DMR if in the right hands.

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Personally I think winchester is a great economy gun, but I think I will stick with my AKM. Sure its louder, but with it I can take targets out targets at range easier than a winchester, I can surpress targets when im with a team, and I can shoot at a much faster rate then the winchester. Oh and I have a 30 round clip. I am currently carrying 10 mags for the AKM. It is extremely plentiful. Not to mention the rounds are damaging like the winchester slugs. I actually think the AKM does more damage than the winchester. They both 1 shot zombies though.

In the end, the AKM is pretty good for fighting players and zombies.

Now, if I had a AK74, that may be a different story. The AK74 does much less damage than the winchester, so it requires 2 shots to down a zombie. It also only makes a bit more sound than the winchester. Its ammo is also alot harder to find. You really have to make sure you time your shots. Its NOT a economy gun like the AKM or the winchester. While on the plus side like the AKM it shoots quite fast. It also sports really good acc, but unfortunatly it doesn't have adjustable sights like the AKM.

So in the end the AK74 and its variants are good for killing players, but it seems to lack a bit in the zombie killing department.

I'm sure the M16s/M4s are in the same department as the AK74.

All Military snipers are better for PVP then killing zombies. Just like the CZ except with more rare ammo. Thats pretty obvious.

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I prefer the Glock 17 over most sidearms because the flash-light comes in handy when you play on a server during the night-time and there is no moon. It has the best iron sights out of all the handguns, very low recoil, a 17 round magazine and a schmexy tan and black camo pattern :D. I know most people complain about the lack of stopping power on the 9mm pistols (Makarov, M9, Glock) but as long as you aim and shoot for the head on zombies and other players, you'll find you can conserve more rounds than a M1911 or a .45 Revovler as they only hold 6-7 rounds per ma


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The original poster did say that he prefers stealth so dealing with PVP is what he avoids unless he is doing the hunting. Those the same reasons I stick with the Winchester and pistol. I got ammo coming out me ears and so far can gather everything i need just find. To find ammo for more high end guns you need to go to the places that people go to look for the ammo and guns.

But being as this is basically a sandbox MMOFPS you can play it how ever you want. The lone gun survivor hiding out in the woods sneaking into towns to get what he needs and sneaking out without firing a shot. Or the other end being a high powered walk down the middle of town shooting ever zombie and player in sight killing machine.

But when it comes to zombies as long as you know where the nearest open building is and have enough ammo you can chain 50 zombies and be ok.

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When Rocket licks the refreshing mag issue with relogs the winchester really will be the best thing around unless you live on a military base. I've heard rumors of nerfs to the winchester, but I've not personally read anything about it in here. I've no idea what methods might balance the gun out though.

As far as the PDW, its an awesome weapon. Not only because of the flexibility in ammo it can use, but also because an mp5 mag can run it and take up normal inventory. Which at times can give you some nice flexibility to use your secondary slots for other things.

For secondaries, nothing beats the pdw in "Kill-able zombies per inventory slot."

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