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HELP PLEASE I Tried to get this mod please tell me what I Need to do. Tell me how to patch it and install it corectly. I did this mod mannuly help please

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Start from the beginning, uninstall both games and all the files. Then follow these points:

1 - Install both games and run them both to insure working correctly.

2 - Install operation arrowhead update 1.61 and install.

3 - Run arrowhead to insure update was successful.

4 - Install six updater and run six launcher.

5 - Click the update button, i believe it's orange, on the left hand side of the window, wait until installed properly.

6 - Find your arma 2 folder and look for a shortcut that says "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" and send a shortcut to the desktop.

7 - Right click on the desktop icon and click properties.

8 - In the target box add on the end -mod=@dayz It should look something like this

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz

9 - Run the programme through this icon and it should work.

If i have left something out please add it in, and be aware this is based on installation with disk, I'm unsure on how to using steam or other ways, hope this helps.

Edited by HTTP

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