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ThePunisher (DayZ)

Rocket Said its up to the players to do something about bandits

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Wait a second..are you against BANDITS or the players who clearly spawn/find gun/murder players/then play some stupid music over their Ingame mic just to troll you?


i <3 that bandits exist, i choose not to be one. But that doesnt mena they should be removed.

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But I highly doubt this would work. Any large clan/organization could easily take you guys out due to your known position and killing pattern. Just sayin.

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This would work better as a large group since no shoot on sight will definitely cause huge casualties on the team. It's not the bandits you have to worry about but the player killers and server hopping snipers. For you other guys who like your PvP so much, go play Battlefield and COD instead. You're missing the point of the game. I noticed the trend of PvP here is mostly for lol and griefing purposes. I like bandits when they're real bandit and not shoot you on sight and leave your body there for "lol".

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I thought I'd chime in here and just point out that I have NOTHING against bandits. I'm perfectly fine with bandits being in the game. I don't hate them. they are simply playing how they want and that's great. My way of playing is simply fighting against them. Thats how I choose to play. of course I don't want them gone completely, then My whole clan would be bored and having nothing to do. I just want to give my fellow players something else to do BESIDES only being a bandit for endgame and taking out new players. They choose to be bandits and kill players, I choose to be Renegade and Kill bandits. Everyone has a good time!

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