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Feedback: Zombie Spawn Rate

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I know this has been covered before, but I wanted to put my experience out there for consumption by Rocket.

This isn't a bitch or a whine about zombie numbers. I like the amount as they are now, I think they are fine if you learn how to be sneaky like you're supposed to be in a zompocalypse or you die quickly. Just how it is.

However, I ran into an issue last night where I was on top of an industrial type tower with the V shaped bottom on an upside down cylinder. I climbed on up and I had already cleared the immediate area with my trusty Winchester, so I decided to take a potshot at a zed probably 1000 feet away near a road. I was in the outskirts of a very smallish town, and as I said, I had already cleared the immediate area.

After I took the shot and actually downed the said zombie, every one of the zombies in the area alerted and ran at me in a flesh-craving horde.

Then they started climbing up to me.

This wasn't even the problem. I had plenty of ammo, easily 100+ rounds of slugs, with more in my backpack if it came to that. I took out the initial offering of 20+ quite easily.

The real problem became clear as zombies kept up a steady stream of re-spawning in the area as they died, and alerted as I had to deal with their cousins who were already climbing the ladder.

It didn't stop.

I killed 50+ zombies over probably a fifteen minute period, with no window to climb down to GTFO. I gave up and logged out, and now I'm worried that when I log in, there will be zombies at the bottom of the ladder. And I can't shoot them or I'll repeat this situation.

Now I don't advocate the ability to completely clear a town for long periods of time, but I don't think five minutes to have the ability to actually move out would be too much to ask. That's not exactly enough time to field strip the entire town.

I know this is a survival horror mod and I love it, but adrenaline adrenaline adrenaline constantly without any sort of downtime is too much, or the adrenaline will no longer kick in.

In closing, a tweaking of the respawn time would be nice.

So I can get down. Thanks.

LaMOE Forgotten

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I read somewhere that the spawn rate isn't working as intended at the moment and is one of the things that's due to get fixed in the imminent 1.5.8 update.

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I think that sometimes the zombies do need the spawning time adjusted. Especially when you have servers that spawn 3000 zombies (I'm talking to you Dallas 11) where zombies bug out and are inactive since there are so many. But the game is unforgiving and I kindof like the aspect of where if you shoot, you pretty much signed your own death wish.

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