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[Z]My First Kill[Z]

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Hello, It was early on 19th may. Around 7 am. It was dusk and you were able to see, but if one hid in the grass and blended in, it would be quite difficult too see him / her.

And with the setting out perfectly, I did what most do. Spot someone, type "Friendly". And as they accept me, I shoot at the floor, typing "Sorry, thought it was a zombie" And with that, I alerted all of Kemenka. Forcing the two people I found shooting at the zombies, killing them with easy. And with that, they were bleeding, they both began patching themselfs up as I shot 5/2 makarov bullets into their heads, the back of them to be exact. Knocking them both out and becoming a bandit, and as well as having a alice pack, m19, ak. And I got to pick between the ak and the sniper, I picked a AK since it was hard to see, semi.

And with that..My first kill. And my first ever bandit transformation. It's like losing your S's. Survagity.

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Oh, my first kill was at Karmanka too! :D

So, i saw moviment on the north outskirts of the Karmanka. I was naive, foolish at that time. I typed "friendly?" and he would not answer. Tried again. Nope. i started going to the city, following him, that was by the coast, going to the docks. That's when i realized.

I've never felt so much adrenaline in this game.

Avoiding Zeds, following him, it was the simply the shit. All that time as a survivor, i've never before had something like that.

It was fucking amazing.

Eventually, he got to the docks. Then, as the noob that i was, i got close to him, he end seeing me. He jumped to the water and stayed behind the dock. I cycled the dock, and saw him standing there, afraid of me.

And i poped his fucking head out. :cool:

There he was, his still-warm body of a survivor, that once was afraid for his life.

That was it. I was a Bandit.

Even better, was the fact that i got to a elevation, and people would come to check the body.

Man, there was so much people. So much headshots.

So much BEANS. :P

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Heh. I troll quite alot now-a days on survivors near the coast. I use a pistle or a rifle to shoot at them when they're running across the sand and next to the sea. They end up in the ocean. (Some times :/). And I shoot them agian and agian, mainly missing in complete ease as I watch the dudes stuff vanish away after swimming.

But when I'm truly low, I dont camp the coast. I either kill a rabit or deer. Which ever I find first. And get water from a pond. Since me and my friends are teaming up north.

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While I still haven't managed to earn a bandit skin due to me avoiding most other players rather than shooting, my first kill was near the construction site by Cherno at night time. I was looting all the houses and there was a sniper around who was picking off players in the city whom I managed to evade. I was making my way out of the city when he spotted me and started firing.

The bullets were landing close to me and I was forced to run back and forth between cover, keeping out of his crosshairs as I attempted to make my way to the safety of the trees in the distance. I was hiding behind a crane, plotting my next course of action when another survivor comes running full speed toward the city with a flare in hand.

The sniper takes a shot at him and I see blood start spewing out of him. He then makes a beeline for the closest hiding spot, which was the crane I was hiding behind. He didn't see me, but I sure as hell saw him. I opened up on him with my AK and down he went, he made a great distraction as I ran off for the trees while the sniper shot his body a couple times to make sure he was dead.

If you're reading this then I'm sorry for killing you, but I'm pretty sure only one of us was going to get out of there alive either way. I wasn't able to loot your corpse, so take some solace in that.

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My first kill was heading east along the coast towards Chern after having met up with a friend who died, we were a group of four people. Myself a survivor still and my three buds, all bandits. So one of our guys went off to the side for some and ran in to a survivor with a makarov, who started shooting at him.

Man he never saw it coming, suddently he had four guys chasing him shooting after him. I eventually got up a shot with my revolver and fired thrice and he went down. I noticed he was still alive so I stopped up and put two in the back of his skull.

It was kinda sweet.

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My first kill was entirely un-planned. I had been in many hostile situations before but had always tried to avoid killing another player. I had decided that the only people I would kill would be bandits. That all changed early this morning. After a rough night's sleep I fired up DayZ at about 7am, very few people online so I decided to head to the coast and travel north, searching for an elusive box of matches in order to be completely self sufficient inland.

As I probed around in the coastline villages I was completely lucking out with loot. Tin cans, empty whiskey bottles, even beans wern't showing up and I was starting to get desperate. Then I heard gunshots nearby. Being the elusive sort I decided to avoid confrontation and move cautiously, I came across a building with around 5 dead zombies and a few supplies, still no beans and certainly still no matches. They had obviously been through here, maybe even moving north in the same way I was.

As I reached the end of the village I noticed a petrol station further up the road and decided to sprint to see if I could catch up with the other survivor, he had already been there, only an empty tin can remained, his trail was easy to follow.

Moving further north from the petrol station I came across an industrial village with some form of coal mine or facility, instead of heading directly in I opted to flank left to investigate the barn, taking the gamble that the survivor had decided to check the more built up area first. I was right, along with a few more rounds for my winchester I found a couple of cans of drink and some medical supplies... still no matches. As I knelt at the top floor of the barn the survivor suddenly appeared at the doorway. Without caution and without checking the interior of the barn he started to climb the stairs opposite. Maybe it was because I was tired and paranoid, maybe it was because I knew this guy had taken all of the loot on the same trail, but without any conversation, without any hesitation, I popped two rounds into him.

In my haste to get to his body I then fell from the top of the barn stairs, breaking my bones and getting knocked out. I laughed at my idiocy and assumed that I was simply going to die here. Suprisingly my character woke back up and I quickly set about administering first aid for all of my various wounds. I had lost alot of blood and was in pretty bad shape, but I was alive. I ran up the stairs to his body and scavenged his alice pack. Plenty of food supplies, but still no matches. I cautiously broke cover from the barn and headed out to the wilderness to contemplate what I had just done. It was at this point that I looked down and realised I had become a bandit.

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Today i was sitting in a construction site in cherno near the church with my trusted cz550. Suddenly i saw the church flash red and i saw like 3 flares coming out from the corner so i watch the fricking church in 25 mins and then i got an idea. I wrote in the side channle.

Ho the hell is popping flares all around the church in cherno. 1 min later i see him running out with som zombies after him. So when he turned around to shoot some rounds, i shot him in the spine so he fall to the ground dead


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