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A Metal Viking

Need Dayz Partner/Partners

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Prefer the more serious type I guess, but good to have a laugh ;)

And a MIC is a Must.

I'm 18, so anyone 18+ ( or mature people just under ) older would be awesome.

I would say I'm good at Dayz, when I've died I can get back most of my stuff

( average Alice pack, assault rifle, pistol, medical stuffs and food ect...) pretty quick, few hours.

So ya I know my way around and alot of hot spots.

Im from the UK but 'most' other places are fiine. UK, Germany, America and all that, as long as you can speak English thats fine

Baught the game from Steam.

If you could send me a message on this website plx


Edited by A Metal Viking

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Glad I noticed your thread, the group I'm with is looking for quite a few new members to add. We're a bit of a community, we play a lot of different games and we're in the process of setting up servers/clans in a lot of other games. We've been looking for folks to join us. If you're interested, PM me on the site and I'll give you some contact information :)

Currently in our group, we have about seven people that play daily. We use Teamspeak 3 to communicate with each other because the in-game chat is a bit risky...

Edited by Tsyn

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Any more room?

I am a n00b

I only got Dayz yesterday and have not played much

Steam - skemar007

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