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Looking for experienced player to pair up with.

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Hey. Contact me on Steam or Skype (Brain_in_a_vat) if you're willing to group up. You must:

1. Have played the game for over a month.

2. Own a microphone.

3. Play a fair amount - don't bother if you play for a couple of hours a week or something.

4. Know how to play cautiously and carefully.

5. Not be a dick. I don't kill unarmed players or the recently spawned.

6. Have Skype, TS or Ventilo.

7. Speak decent English.

I know I've mentioned it but I can't stress it enough; I only kill people who I deem a threat, however that's pretty much anybody when I'm up north which is where I usually am anyway.


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you say what you want from a other players buy you said nothing about yourself....

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What should say, sorry? Ask me anything you like.

Why did u leave us?

Edited by vjese

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I am an experienced player that knows the entire coast by heart. I can also reach both the NorthWest and NorthEast airfield by memory from either Kamenka, Balota, Cherno, or Electro.

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