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IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

What a mess. Amusing stories.

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A few moments ago I decided to hit up Cherno to meet up with a friend by the supermarket. He had to evade some zombies so he took off to the church. I started making my way there when a survivor on a bike rides by. I ask him on voice chat "Hey! You friendly?" I ask. He doesn't respond. I'm weaponless and don't care if I die but he just crouches by me. Just then we're swarmed by zombies, so we both take off in different directions. My friend gets close by, and is quickly shot by an unseen bandit. I double back and see another couple dead bodies by the bike that weren't there before. I haven't got on a bike yet so I thought "Why not!" and hop on, as I'm shot in the back immedietly. I peddle and zigzag out of there but I was already bleeding badly. I follow the train tracks out of town passing a mysterious bus and keel over dead.

One of the more enjoyable short playthroughs.

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Well, I went up a lighthouse one time when I was pinned by zombies. I went to the walkway of the lighthouse and went prone. Big mistake.

I glitch and fall down and become unconcious, while being eaten by zombies. When I become concious again, the only thing I could do was throw flares.

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My brother and I were doing a night run on Chernogorsk, are goal was to hopefully find him a better backpack before we started our journey northward. It was one of the darkest nights I’ve experienced in the game. We managed to make our way towards the town with the use of a military flashlight (We both had dropped our chemlights the day before for other loot… It sucks you can’t use the flashlight without losing your pistol). Once we got close enough to the market we heard chatter over the direct communication chat. Then we spotted a light emanating from the windows in the back of the market. We were literally just a few feet away from the back doors. Had they not used the light we would have walked right in on them. We both decided to avoid them and bypass the market altogether and head for the apartment buildings.

We didn’t want to risk using our flashlight with others so close, and as a result of stumbling around in the dark we crawled right into a group of Zed’s. We both booked it to the apartments but got separated in the confusion. My brother made it inside one of the buildings while I kept running around outside trying to dodge the horde of Zed’s outside. It was so dark I couldn’t even make out where the doors were. I sprung a few leaks and was losing blood fast. I told him to turn on his flashlight so I could find him. I hoped I would be able to spot his light and make it to the building in time to deploy a wire fence to keep the Zeds at bay. But I couldn’t see the light!

My blood was below 7000 I knew I couldn’t take any more hits so I rushed towards the tree line. I just kept running until I passed out from loss of blood. Luckily I managed to lose my pursuers before I went unconscious. Once I came to I quickly bandaged myself with 1000 bp to spare and waited for my bro to come find me. Once he made it out of the city I guided him to my general direction. He switched to his normal flashlight so I could spot him and with a few course corrections he managed to locate me and give me a blood transfusion. Although our supply run was a bust we were both glad to have made it out alive. Next time we’ll make sure at least one of us has some Chemlights when scavenging at night.

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