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Server with 75+ Online

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Hello guys. I need help.

Our team wanna buy hosting server.

Now we found this server. And we need you help.

Dedicated Server:

CPU - Intel® Core™ i7-2600 Quadcore incl. Hyper-Threading Technology


Hard disks - 2 x 3 TB SATA 6 Gb/s HDD 7200 rpm (Software-RAID 1)

NIC - 1 Gbit OnBoard connected at 100 Mbit

Backup Space - 100 GB

Traffic - Unlimited*

How many online players can playing? We wanna server with big online 75+. We have money.

Edited by anhy

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Hey anhy,

Your hardware is basically perfect; I would use a high-end SSD to run the actual server on rather than a SATA, other than that you're capped in terms of hardware. Your main bottleneck however, is software. ARMA2, and specifically DayZ, is not built to handle so many connections (75+) at once. You'll find that if you get to 80-100 players, you'll start having mass disconnect spams. There are some advanced network settings you can tweak to lessen this, but it'll still be a pretty big problem.

Another issue with hosting a large server you should consider is that fact that when hackers want to grief, they sort servers by players online. If you have a 150/150 player count, every hacker is going to want to get on and nuke your server over and over again because they want to show off their e-dick to as many people as possible.

Anyway, let me know if you need anymore help; good luck!

Edited by Guest

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If you need help installing it, I can offer to help. Do you have steam?

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