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Small question(s?)

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So i was laying there on the roof of some building in Cherno, camping if you will, waiting for some poor soul to come and bite my einfield bullet, and all of sudden i go unconscious for a very brief moment, i know for a fact nobody shot at me, no zombies hit me, i was at 12k blood, not hungry, not thirsty.

So this ether happened i am assuming, usual weird bug/glitch ????

Or something to do with temperature ? I have 0% understanding of how the temperature works.

Some help in this unsolved mystery would be great!

PS: Im new to the forums and semi new to the game :)!

Edited by Hpnot1Q

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I think this is just a random bug. I too have fallen unconscious whilst walking through the forest. I didn't lose any blood, my temperature was normal and there wasn't a zombie for miles. So you are not alone here lol.

Also, temperature is exactly what it says. It drops when you do things like swim and stand out in the rain and increases when near fire and in doors. If your temperature drops below, I believe, 38 you can become sick. This will be evident as your character will cough. Antibiotics cure sickness.

Edited by The Batman
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