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Survivor Point on Map??

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I have a compass and map, and whenever I get these and hit 'M' I can see myself on the map. I don't know if this has to do with the compass, but I can see a mark of myself pointing in the direction I'm going. I log on today and see that my mark isn't on the map, only when I switch servers is when it shows up. Is there a certain button I can press while looking on the map to see myself directly on the map? Is this a glitch?

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Determined by server settings. In general, Regular and Recruit servers try to give more aids to the players (such as free GPS in the form of map markers). Veteran and Hardcore servers try to strip the game down to it's rawest form (removing 3rd person, removing crosshairs). There's a lot of different settings, but you can choose a server you like based on that

Recruit -> Regular -> Veteran -> Hardcore/Mercenary

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