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Ghillie suit still bugged?

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Was just wondering if the ghillie suit is still bugged. The bug where if you put it on, the server won't save your data anymore. I did read that there was a patch for servers to fix it, but just checking if it's been implemented in a official patch yet.


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if they dont spawn as loot where the hell do you get one now...>?

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I just want a confirmation from a dev or an admin so I can stop wasting time farming the cities for it.

If the spawn is broken, I can just head north and snipe crappy players around Stary.

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I've not seen any spawns, but my friends and I were lucky enough to find a camp with some going spare. :P

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My friend just tried it, it went on ok, but after he logged off then on, he had lost the 2nd rifle in his backpack and he was no longer wearing the suit.

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