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Franz (DayZ)

How namy Murders I have to collect before I became a Bandit?

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The Question in the topic is related to the current version of DayZ (

How many survivors I can kill befored my death will be counted as "Bandits killed" +1?

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I could be wrong on this, but as far as I know, it doesn't matter how many kills you have. You could have 100 murders, if someone sneaks up behind you while you are completely unaware and one shots you in the head, it will count as a murder. I was under the impression that the way it works now, you only get a bandit kill if you get shot at by someone but they fail to kill you, then you kill them.

Although I did get a bandit kill earlier last night without being shit at after some dude with a revolver snuck up behind our sniper at Stary and started spraying at him. He didn't kill my friend, I ran up the hill from the tents and shot at him. Bandit killed. It was pretty weird and has me questioning if I have it wrong.

If the way I believe it works is wrong I'd like to know how it actually works, with some kind of proof (Links to official posts or whatever)

On a side note, I would like to say this guy snuck up behind my sniper buddy, at Stary in the forest overlooking the tents, with nothing but a hatchet and one mag of revolver ammo. When he failed to kill my friend, he kind of freaked out and just ran around. This guy, with no primary and one mag of pistol ammo, goes to Stary trying to kill someone. He had a Coyote Backpack with a GPS and range finders, as well as 10 SVD mags in his backpack.


Edited by Sephka

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as far as I know anyone who has previously killed someone will count as bandit kill for you.....but I'm not 100% sure....

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Used to be after 2-3 murders you gained the titled of a Bandit.

Hmm.. Not sure if that has been changed yet. I have beyond 2-3 murders so of course i am a Bandit.. ;)

Also back in day if you banadge, blood trans, or type of aid a player it refreshed your bandit title to a degree.

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Bandit system still works the same as it did when the humanity system was still in place. You just don't get the bandit skin anymore.

Meaning, there's still a humanity meter you can't see. Every shot you take at another player lowers it, and every murder drops it by a significant amount. It will also replenish slowly over time and doing transfusions on other players or bandaging other players replenishes it as well.

Killing other bandits might replenish your humanity as well. Not sure.

The game considers you a bandit when your humanity is less than 0, meaning a negative figure. Every fresh spawn starts with 12,000 (or was it 24,000?) positive, and every kill drops about 2000 or 5000 I think? Not sure on the number. It does also have some sort of a cumulative effect and I don't know the specific details.

Firefights run the exception that if you are shot first, and hit, you get a 5 minute timer to kill that person without humanity loss, although it will still count as either a murder or a bandit kill depending on how much humanity the person has who shot you.

So basically, if you get a few consecutive kills in short time, don't do much transfusions nor bandaging of others, your humanity will drop below 0 and you will be considered a bandit.

If you found this helpful, gimme some beans please, I'm all out :)

Edited by Daddy'o
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If you have a heartbeat, you are a bandit.

You sir are wrong... Almost everyone has a heartbeat right now as heartbeats are carrying over after you are killed. I killed about 13 people, was killed and respawned. A friend said I had a strong fast paced heartbeat while my debug said 0 murders.

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