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looking for english speaking squad

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Hey guys!

I´m looking for a squad to survive with... I don´t like playing alone, want to play with more tactics and some conversations inside. I´m german and would love to find some other cool guys to have some fun in game with!

speak soon!!

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Hey if u want we could team up. I'm trying to play the game it was meant to be played. So i dont kill everyone I see and dont disconnect when someone shoots me. Add me on steam or skype.

Steam name: greenmz

Skype: greenmz2

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I'm also looking to team up with people, I'm 19, English.

I also like to take it more seriously and i have a mic, feel free to add me on steam or Skype

Steam: Smackermong

Skype: Jericho1

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We are looking for players 21 and over, but it's cool if you're 19. We have another 19 year old player in our group. Are age rule is to maintain a mature group, but I'll keep a look out for your app if you sign up.

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We are looking for players 21 and over, but it's cool if you're 19. We have another 19 year old player in our group. Are age rule is to maintain a mature group, but I'll keep a look out for your app if you sign up.

I have just applied to AWOL.

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We are looking for players 21 and over, but it's cool if you're 19. We have another 19 year old player in our group. Are age rule is to maintain a mature group, but I'll keep a look out for your app if you sign up.

I just made an application aswell.

Hope to hear from you guys soon

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