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[Suggestion] Zombie Movement

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There are 4 things about the zombie movement i'd like to change

- Running Speed

- Indoor Speed

- Hordes

- Shot in the leg(s)

Running Speed

Zombies are too fast. As all the players know, it's impossible to lose a zombie without a building or hills.

It is one thing to be capable of running as fast as a survivor (wich a "fresh" zombie could be capable of), but faster!?

Looking how trash is laying around everywhere and that each and every car is broken it seems that the zombpocalypse has been going on for a while now.

Since zombies are rotting undead corpses, I don't really see how their rotting musles are capable of working better than those of a survivor

Indoor Speed

If the outdoor speed is going to decrease, then the indoor speed should increase. It's kinda weird how the zombies don't have table manners, but somehow know you shouldn't run indoors. Zombies as they are now, are way too slow indoors, and if you have any kind of weapon, they pose barely a threat at all, so increasing the indoor speed would be a good idea, under the condition that the outdoor speed will be decreased


As mentioned in previous seggestions of (several) people, it'd be interesting to have hordes of zombies roaming cities and towns, this way it could be hard to get to certain location within a city, until a horde changes it's location, you might get stuck at certain points. On the other side it could make things easier, since you know a horde is there and there, it will be much less likely there will be zombies on other locations.

Shot In the leg(s)

Just as the survivor, make it possible to force a zombie into "prone" once shot in one/both leg(s), this would be usefull to get away from zombies if you can't get a headshot with a not 1 Hit Kill weapon on the body. (and you could have some fun with these zombies :3)

Edited by shiding
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Man I get terrible deja vu on these forums... :huh:

Man I get terrible deja vu on these forums... :huh:

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Man I get terrible deja vu on these forums...[2]

Man I get terrible deja vu on these forums...[2]

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There has been multiple interviews and Q&A's with Rocket on Youtube about Zombie Movements. The DayZ is worried about the essentials as of right now, mainly performance and getting the game to stand alone. They plan on fixing the animations, but as of now they can't do much do to the inexperience in animation. Once they pickup everything and get it out of Alpha mode they'll work on things like this sooner or later

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Agree once again. There seems to be a a large number of people who agree on how the zombies should be to make them challenging, rather than the simple annoyance they are now. Hopefully we see some of these suggestions be put into effect soon as zombies are the root of this game, and the cause for many problems as it is.

I'd add to your suggestions that zombies also slow the player down on hit though, as to reduce the ability to simply flee while tracking a horde of zombies, and forcing more player v zombie combat. The current unwillingness of people to fight zombies right now, despite having tons of ammo and supplies to do so is weird.

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Just as the survivor, make it possible to force a zombie into "prone" once shot in one/both leg(s), this would be usefull to get away from zombies if you can't get a headshot with a not 1 Hit Kill weapon on the body. (and you could have some fun with these zombies :3)

im guessing you never shot 1 in the leg then, you do this already, ive shot a survivor in the leg to break it then shot the zombie standing over him in the leg as well and they crawled away while i ran through the tree's giggaling to myself

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The zombies aren't actually dead. They're alive, but infected with a virus or something. That's what I've heard anyways.

There are 2 main different kinds of zombies, Virus zombies and Undead zombies.

The undead zombies are just supernatural, so no explaining needed.

The virus zombies are people gone mad with some sort of rabies, but it's still possible that the body tears itself apart because of this virus.

BUT If you've seen The Walking Dead (TV Series), then it could be Virus Zombies, but also kind of Undead, since the brain dies because of the virus, but is later reactivated, but only for it's primal instincts, still leaving it's body to rot, since it's not maintained properly by the brain

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