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US 104 (Wolvesofwar.org) - two man group (at least) using ESP

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Beware of US 104 (Wolvesofwar.org)

Was with my usual 3 man squad last night on 104.. we are running through the trees and get separated west of Klen mountain w. of Khelm. I am in the treeline just west of the gas station there, they are in the trees south. They call out vehicles that are coming up the road from the south. Guys in the vehicles stop right next to their treeline, get out, and one shot both of them. I am in a prone position under a bush, far enough away that I don't hear the shots or the vehicles. Both continue up the road a few minutes later, and I watch a blue troop carrier ride past into the distance towards NE airfield. The 2nd vehicle however stops (I think it was an atv) almost exactly parallel to me. I see the guy get out, and train what might have been an AS50 directly on my position.

I aborted out right then and there. I'm not exaggerating with any of this account. There is absolutely no way someone in a car should have seen me in my position, which was at least 100m west of the road in a wooded treeline. The two guys that got popped had a very similar thing happen last night to them and chalked it up to a good ambush, but now we are thinking that it was the same guys. Same MO.

No screenshots or video to prove it, just wanted to share. Not exactly sure what the fun in playing like that is. The draw of the game is fear and with that kind of exploiting, where's the fear?

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A very similar thing happened to me and 2 buddies last night in this server. We heard a motorbike somewhere in the distance. We each split up trying to find it. This was a mistake.

My first buddy got instant sniped. I was about 200m away from his location. I start getting sniped after he was killed (again not sure how he knew exactly where I was). I hit the dirt, which just made me get my head popped. Other friend flanked where we thought the shooting was coming from, had eyes on the shooter's back, the shooter did a 180 degree and started firing at him hidden in a tree, in which he D/Ced.

Maybe this guy was just pro, but it felt sketchy to me.

Glad you made a thread though, I was curious if anything weird happened to anyone else in this server last night.

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It might have been a bike. I was far enough away and couldn't tell.. was definitely with the bike or the atv. I wish I had my 107 equipped instead of being in the pack, although it would have taken a miracle shot to win an engagement with the odds that stacked.

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same shit happend to me and my buddy. hes at the base of the tree line and I am 200+ into the tree line and he gets kill i move to a group of bushes for cover. I am surronded on all sides and I get head shot out of no where about 10 seconds later.

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If you report it to me, the Wolves can go in there with a team and see if they're cheating. Also you guys have to understand that there are pathfinders out there, and if he has one, all it takes is one shot one kill. Specially if you lower the graphic settings you can see through forest easy. Most people play this game on low settings not because of FPS, but because it takes away all the brush, and extra flora that isn't server side, like a tree would be.

Its no one in Wolves of War though. We don't hang at the NE airfield. We find it boring up there (closes we'll go is berezino). You can find me specifically on the coast line. I usually hang down there waiting for idiots to come server hopping looking for kills, soon as they fire, I respond :D

We specially been having problems with assholes spawning in at the NW airfield taking a shot and disconnecting as soon as they get one kill. Because they know they're f'd when they see two vehicles filled with people, lol. Even hacking thats near impossible to take out 10-14 people that are skilled & instant communicating. Unless they have some BS. But by then they're being reported to the devs with video proof. So we welcome idiots like that, as they have to pay for a new game :D

I'd also like to state, that you will find this on ALL servers. You can't just specifically point to one server and say "this is the server that is having the issue." Because thats not true. ALL servers are having issues with hackers, and disconnecting. Our server however has a lot of people that record their gameplay, including friends of the server/clan. So they're going to eventually get caught, so please, keep coming to US 104. We couldn't CARE LESS about losing our gear (the game is more fun with starter gear), catching you would make as all wet inside.

Edited by ZeroGravitySE

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Thanks Zero - I usually run fraps and record all engagements, but just reinstalled windows and hadn't gotten around to it yet. I know these are issues that you can find anywhere, but it sounds like whoever this group is they have set up shop with vehicles.

I do not know what a "pathfinder" is but I just refuse to believe that someone would be able to see me from my position. The way the terrain elevation was, I was on a flat area above the road and could not see the road or any vehicles till they had passed. For someone to spot me they would have had to be looking directly on their 9 o'clock at the right moment where the terrain dropped away from my position and gave me a angle at the road. Mind you i was at least 100m away as well. The bike or atv did not stop past the small vantage point or go around. I just find it incredibly unlikely that this person just happened to be glancing my way and could pick my body out from a stand of trees while driving and looking directly left.

A more likely scenario is that with a tag over my head, the person drove to the best position for a clear shot.

Anyway, good to know you guys are aware. I wish general chat was enabled as at least then people could warn others about possible hack issues.

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Thanks Zero - I usually run fraps and record all engagements, but just reinstalled windows and hadn't gotten around to it yet. I know these are issues that you can find anywhere, but it sounds like whoever this group is they have set up shop with vehicles.

I do not know what a "pathfinder" is but I just refuse to believe that someone would be able to see me from my position. The way the terrain elevation was, I was on a flat area above the road and could not see the road or any vehicles till they had passed. For someone to spot me they would have had to be looking directly on their 9 o'clock at the right moment where the terrain dropped away from my position and gave me a angle at the road. Mind you i was at least 100m away as well. The bike or atv did not stop past the small vantage point or go around. I just find it incredibly unlikely that this person just happened to be glancing my way and could pick my body out from a stand of trees while driving and looking directly left.

A more likely scenario is that with a tag over my head, the person drove to the best position for a clear shot.

Anyway, good to know you guys are aware. I wish general chat was enabled as at least then people could warn others about possible hack issues.

Just thought id pop in here.

It was actually a group of us from Wolvesofwar that you are talking about, none of us are cheating, we were just hauling around having fun in some vehicles we found, and happened to spot you guys.

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I can buy the first two guys even though they were in the trees..but I would love to know how you spotted me. I'll be happy to go back to the same spot and take a screenshot to show how absurd that concept is. It's not like the server has the green dots on the sides of the screen when friendlies are nearby. If I had been with them and ran off when they got popped id understand, but there was absolutely no information that you would have had to know there was a 3rd person in our group

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I can buy the first two guys even though they were in the trees..but I would love to know how you spotted me. I'll be happy to go back to the same spot and take a screenshot to show how absurd that concept is. It's not like the server has the green dots on the sides of the screen when friendlies are nearby. If I had been with them and ran off when they got popped id understand, but there was absolutely no information that you would have had to know there was a 3rd person in our group

I think larce had left at this point, and i cant remember if i was streaming that whole night through, i had some frame drop issues on twitch yesterday. Ill go through my vods and see if i have the recording of the "incident". We usually have 2-3 people streaming everytime we play, trust me, we are clean lol.

EDIT: yea i dont have any video of that, twitch was too unstable last night. We were running about 5-6 guys up to 8 at one point. I cant remember all of what happened off the top of my head, but we killed a couple of people while we were just driving around.

Edited by Suspenselol

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I can buy the first two guys even though they were in the trees..but I would love to know how you spotted me. I'll be happy to go back to the same spot and take a screenshot to show how absurd that concept is. It's not like the server has the green dots on the sides of the screen when friendlies are nearby. If I had been with them and ran off when they got popped id understand, but there was absolutely no information that you would have had to know there was a 3rd person in our group

I was with the group. Nobody was cheating. Trust me, if we were cheating we wouldnt have gotten our asses whooped when we went to the airport later. One of us was dismounted and spotted you from another area probably.

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I had the same thing happen in a different server, but play on wolves quite a bit. Had a guy solo on a quad or motorbike, heard him coming from miles away, I had been in the deep woods for hours so wasn't worried about being spotted recently. As the engine noise got closer to the ridgeline I went prone and readied my 550. The motor stopped and I was using headphones so knew the position he would pop over the hill, 2 seconds later a bit to the left of my sights a gillie suit pops around a tree and CRACK CRACK....I'm dead.

This guy had NO clue where I would be but drove straight to my position and dismounted and shot before I could get a shot on him. No way he knew I was there legit as I said I had been in the woods for hours. I definitely believe this was hacking but not the wolves.....I think the OP got popped by a different guy

BeeDee "BD/Black Death"

Edited by blkdeath75

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In the case that your killer had a thermal scope it would be easy to track you down, and some will even use another on a motor vehicle to draw others out.

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