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Banned from FR50

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I was banned because i was found a camp with many loot and venchiles (some cars and 2 helicopters), I take Coyote packpack, 1 minute ago i was kicked and banned on this server, I think this camp is owned bu admins, Camp's coordinate (072 002)

Screensots is not mine, its my friend,


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those 'venchiles' as you called them were probably hacked in, along with some other stuff you picked up, leading to you getting banned.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:06 PM, Fooz said:

those 'venchiles' as you called them were probably hacked in, along with some other stuff you picked up, leading to you getting banned.

You can't get banned for using hacked item. You're allowed to use hacked items as long as you were not the one hacking them into the game.

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The screenshot itself doesn't really prove anything but it is up to the admin of that server to prove you were kicked for a bannable offense anyway.

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31 Zombie kills and 14 murders your friend has, that debug monitor looks a little suspect.

31 Zombie kills and all that gear you have including GPS doesnt seem quite right, unless you spent hours crawling on your belly. If it was more like 200kills+ with that gear then maybe.

14 murders tho and such little zombie kills. doesnt seem to add up im guessing the admin probably thought you were a hacker and had good reason to ban you. The admin probably took your GUID and submitted it to battleye with server logs and banned you in the meantime from that specific server. He must of had good reason to else he wouldnt of banned you.

Id give it a few dayz and see if you are global banned or not for using hacks, that would be a good way to find out.

Your forum account is only 4days old?

Edited by okano

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^^Muh don't think you can judge on something like that Okano, I have 64 Zed kills and one murder and I have GPS, 2 NVG's and did have a boat load of other stuff that went poof in a tent on update and still on day one of this life, sometimes you just get lucky and I'm no crawler, sounds like yet another bitter admin to me.

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yeah i would say that screen shot looks suspicious.i tend to have about 30 zombie kills before i even find a player

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yeah thats because you don't know how to play the game. you aggro every zombie and shoot them up. Also if you didnt read the OP he said they found a camp and took stuff. So that could easily explain why he has top notch gear, they stumbled upon a camp.

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Saying that something is suspicious because of his Zed/human kills are "low" for the gear he has is BS. I have respawned after a death, hit Cherno up, got basic supplies, headed to Story Sober, got loaded up on gear, found a heli crash, got nvg's and GPS and had 12 zed kills and 0 murders.

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