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I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

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LOL, peace little kid go back to your game of lolipops and rainbows! We have all been killed due to server hopping before and this forums is filled with little kids rants boohoo.

Why were you sitting there in the barracks of all places! Waiting for your friend to connect from where? Did you guys disconnect in the barracks and then reconnect back in the barracks? If so you are just as bad as the other guy.

Word of advice to you... If you go into the barracks, loot it and GTFO! That is one of the most contested areas in the entire game... Also the highest probability someone is going to server hop..

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect

Hmmm, I wonder what reason you could have had for your friend to connect in the barracks... hmmm... server hopping maybe?

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Lolipops are fucking awesome, and rainbows are fucking beautiful.

DayZ is a wonderful game ruined by a horrible community.

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

Try other arma mods, dayz got enough ppl noone will notice one more or less.

Or just wait for beta or final version, maybe some things will get fixed over time.

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The Flame train! That is so hilarious. There are so many reasons to love/hate this game. You'll be back, you will not be able to resist. There isn't any other game like this. You'll be back!

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Try other arma mods.

Not actually a bad idea.

Edited by Never

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You know the hopper was probably all like, "Sweet, fuckin' jackpot!"

But seriously though, way to cry and quit like a child.

It's an unfinished game, get over it.

I've died by glitches more times then I can count, with really nice gear...

Plus you kinda deserved to die, who's dumb enough to wait in one of the two spots with the best military drops...

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QQ RQ BB, no one will miss you, and kudo's to the dude who killed you, natural selection :)

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Too many people shoot first and ask questions later.

Welcome to PvP.

There should be something that prevent players to spawn less than 50 meters away from other players though, but it's an alpha, you'll be back if you're not QQing solely because of PvP.

Edited by Kiro

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People who says you are a kid are a bit dumb. Its not raging by dieing against zombies or other player, the problem is die because of a glitcher/hacker/bug. This mod is so fucked at the moment, and whoever says it isnt, its just retarded.

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You know the hopper was probably all like, "Sweet, fuckin' jackpot!"

But seriously though, way to cry and quit like a child.

It's an unfinished game, get over it.

I've died by glitches more times then I can count, with really nice gear...

Plus you kinda deserved to die, who's dumb enough to wait in one of the two spots with the best military drops...

The problem isn't that I died. It's that people are able to server hop around with no penalty at all. I had my back to the wall, anybody running in and opening the door would have gotten 30 rounds in the chest. But because this jackass was server hopping, he was able to spawn in behind me and kill me, and then when my friend finally loads in and opens fire on him while he's looting the barracks, he disconnects out.

People who says you are a kid are a bit dumb. Its not raging by dieing against zombies or other player, the problem is die because of a glitcher/hacker/bug. This mod is so fucked at the moment, and whoever says it isnt, its just retarded.

This mod is pretty fucked. I'm going back to ACE until something prevents people from server hopping and alt-f4 bailing.

Edited by SP00KEH

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Lolipops are fucking awesome, and rainbows are fucking beautiful.

DayZ is a wonderful game ruined by a horrible community.

I can only partially agree because I've actually met some really good players in the game.

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If people are hating DayZ because it's too harsh then I suggest trying one of the other Mods. There's hundreds of them, and many of them are bloody brilliant and less buggy than this.

I'm gonna stay put here though.

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I got attacked by a server hopper once, but luckily I planted a few more bullets in her face than she did to mine.

Felt good.

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He spawned behind you when you had your back to the wall, this is confusing.

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The Mod is "Fucked at the moment" becuase its in alpha...

Do you know the definition of what the aphla state of a game is..?

The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing. Alpha software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss.

So why don't you either leave and quit checking the forums...

Or man up, start over, and do better next time...

Because like or not, you made a grave error...

And your death was almost entirely your fault...

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